Combat the Effects of Menopause with HRT for Women

As a woman ages, she begins to experience lower hormone production which can result in a hormonal imbalance or hormone deficiency. Since hormones place a crucial part in the body’s functionality, keeping them in harmony with one another is very important for a woman’s health. Menopause, adrenal fatigue, and a variety of other hormone-related symptoms are all caused by a lack of essential hormones. Fortunately, HRT for women can be an effective way to help combat these symptoms and repair hormones back to normal levels.

Hormone replacement therapy helps to bring your hormone levels back to what they once were in your 20s and 30s, allowing you to feel years younger once again. HRT for women can help treat a variety of low-hormone related symptoms, from fatigue and depression to joint pain, loss of bone density, and memory loss. Many of the symptoms we identify as normal occurrences with aging can actually be prevented and are not as normal as we’ve been led to believe. Though menopause is expected by nearly every woman, there are ways to minimize the effects it can have on your body.

HRT for women can help combat the symptoms of pre-menopause, which is when the body begins to change due to decreased hormone levels. A woman’s menstrual cycle will begin to shorten due to the decline in estrogen and pre-menopause generally lasts anywhere from 1 to 5 years. A variety of other issues can also occur during pre-menopause, such as weight gain, breast tenderness, headaches, and vaginal dryness.

Perimenopause is the final transition into menopause, where menstrual cycles become even shorter and the body goes through the final preparations for the cessation of periods. Perimenopause can last from 4 to 8 years and can bring many hormone-related symptoms with it. Hot flashes, low sex drive, urinary issues, and mood swings are just some of the symptoms and signs of perimenopause. Through HRT for women, these hindering hormonal effects can be reversed, allowing you to feel young and healthy while your body goes through changes.

Hormone replacement therapy can be a great way for women to combat the effects of menopause from beginning to end so they can continue feeling healthy and fully functional. If you’re interested in learning more about HRT for women, call Global Life Rejuvenation today at 866-793-9933.