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TRT - Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Short Hills, NJ

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What is Testosterone?

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a crucial hormone for men and plays an important role throughout the male lifespan. Most of a male's testosterone is produced through the testicles. Also called the male sex hormone, testosterone starts playing its part during puberty.

When a male goes through puberty, testosterone helps males develop:

  • Facial Hair
  • Body Hair
  • Deeper Voice
  • Muscle Strength
  • Increased Libido
  • Muscle Density

As boys turn to men and men grow older, testosterone levels deplete naturally. Sometimes, events like injuries and chronic health conditions like diabetes can lower testosterone levels. Unfortunately, when a man loses too much T, it results in hypogonadism. When this happens, the testosterone must be replaced, or the male will suffer from symptoms like muscle loss, low libido, and even depression.

How does TRT work men

How Does TRT Work?

TRT is exactly what it sounds like: a treatment option for men that replaces testosterone so that your body regulates hormones properly and restores balance to your life. Also called androgen replacement therapy, TRT alleviates the symptoms that men experience with low T.

Originally lab-synthesized in 1935, testosterone has grown in popularity since it was produced. Today, TRT and other testosterone treatments are among the most popular prescriptions in the U.S.

Without getting too deep into the science, TRT works by giving your body the essential testosterone it needs to function correctly. As the primary androgen for both males and females, testosterone impacts many of the body's natural processes – especially those needed for overall health. For example, men with low T are more prone to serious problems like cardiovascular disease and even type-2 diabetes.

When your body quits making enough testosterone, it causes your health to suffer until a solution is presented. That's where TRT and anti-aging medicine for men can help. TRT helps balance your hormones and replenish your depleted testosterone. With time, your body will begin to heal, and many symptoms like low libido and irritability begin to diminish.

What Causes Low T

What Causes Low T?

For men, aging is the biggest contributor to lower testosterone levels, though there are other causes like obesity, drug abuse, testicular injuries, and certain prescribed medications. Sometimes, long-term health conditions like AIDS, cirrhosis of the liver, and kidney disease can lower testosterone levels.

When a man's testosterone levels drop significantly, it alters his body's ratio of estrogen and testosterone. Lower testosterone levels cause more abdominal fat, which in turn results in increased aromatase, which converts even more testosterone into estrogen.

If you're concerned that you might have low T, you're not alone. Millions of men in the U.S. feel the same way. The best way to find out if your testosterone is low is to get your levels tested.

For sustainable testosterone replacement therapy benefits, you must consult with hormone doctors and experts like those you can find at Global Life Rejuvenation. That way, you can find the root cause of your hormone problems, and our team can craft a personalized HRT plan tailored to your needs.

Lowered Libido

Low Sex Drive

One of the most common reasons that men choose TRT is because they have lost that "spark" with their partner. It's not easy for a man to hear that they're not performing like they used to. Intimacy is a powerful part of any relationship. When a once-healthy sex life dwindles, it can cause serious relationship issues.

The good news is that low libido doesn't have to be a permanent problem. TRT and anti-aging medicines help revert hormone levels back into their normal range. When this happens, many men have a more enjoyable life full of intimacy and sex drive.

Inability to Achieve and Maintain Erections

Inability to Achieve and Maintain an Erection

Weak erections – it's an uncomfortable subject for many men in the U.S. to talk about. It's even worse to experience first-hand. You're in the midst of an intimate moment, and you can't do your part. Despite being perfectly normal, many men put blame and shame upon themselves when they can't achieve an erection. And while the inability to perform sexually can be caused by poor diet, obesity, and chronic health conditions, low testosterone is often a contributing factor.

Fortunately, weak erections are a treatable condition. The best way to regain your confidence and ability in bed is to speak with your doctor. Once any underlying conditions are discovered, options like TRT may be the best course of treatment.

Hair Loss

Loss of Strength and Muscle Mass

Loss of Strength and Muscle Mass

Do you find it harder and harder to work out and lift weights in the gym? Are you having problems lifting heavy items that you once had no problem lifting?

Recent studies show that when men are inactive, they lose .5% of muscle strength every year, from ages 25 to 60. After 60, muscle loss doubles every decade. While some muscle loss is common as men age, a significant portion can be tied to low testosterone levels. When a man's T levels drop, so does his muscle mass.

Testosterone is a much-needed component used in gaining and retaining muscle mass. That's why many doctors prescribe TRT Short Hills, NJ, for men having problems with strength. One recent study found that men who increased their testosterone levels using TRT gained as much as 2.5 pounds of muscle mass.

Whether your gym performance is lacking, or you can't lift heavy items like you used to, don't blame it all on age. You could be suffering from hypogonadism.

Hair Loss

Hair Loss

If you're like millions of other men in their late 20s and 30s, dealing with hair loss is a reality you don't want to face. Closely related to testosterone decline and hormone imbalances, hair loss is distressing for many men. This common symptom is often related to a derivative of testosterone called DHT. Excess amounts of DHT cause hair follicles to halt their production, causing follicles to die.

Because hair located at the front and crown is more sensitive to DHT, it grows slower than other follicles and eventually stops growing permanently. Thankfully, TRT and anti-aging treatments for men in Short Hills, NJ, is now available to address hair loss for good.

While it's true that you can't change your genes, you can change the effects of low testosterone on your body. Whether you're suffering from thinning hair or hair loss across your entire head, TRT and other hormone therapies can stop hair loss and even reverse the process.



Also called "man boobs," gynecomastia is essentially the enlargement of male breast tissue. This increase in fatty tissue is often caused by hormonal imbalances and an increase in estrogen. For men, estrogen levels are elevated during andropause. Also called male menopause, andropause usually happens because of a lack of testosterone.

If you're a man between the ages of 40 and 55, and you're embarrassed by having large breasts, don't lose hope. TRT is a safe, effective way to eliminate the underlying cause of gynecomastia without invasive surgery. With a custom HRT and fitness program, you can bring your testosterone and estrogen levels back to normal before you know it.

Decreased Energy

Decreased Energy

Decreased energy was once considered a normal part of aging. Today, many doctors know better. Advances in technology and our understanding of testosterone show that low T and lack of energy often go hand-in-hand.

If you're struggling to enjoy activities like playing with your kids or hiking in a park due to lack of energy, it could be a sign of low T. Of course, getting tired is perfectly normal for any man. But if you're suffering from continual fatigue, a lack of enjoyment, or a decrease in energy, it might be time to speak with a doctor.

Whether you're having a tough time getting through your day or can't finish activities you used to love, TRT could help.

Lack of Sleep

Lack of Sleep

A study from 2011 showed that men who lose a week's worth of sleep can experience lowered testosterone levels – as much as 15%, according to experts. Additional research into the topic found almost 15% of workers only get five hours of sleep (or less) per night. These findings suggest that sleep loss negatively impacts T levels and wellbeing.

The bottom line is that men who have trouble sleeping often suffer from lower testosterone levels as a result. If you find yourself exhausted at the end of the day but toss and turn all night long, you might have low T.

TRT and anti-aging medicines can restore your T levels back to normal, which can help you sleep better with proper diet and exercise.



You're feeling down about everything, and there's no solid explanation for why you're in such a crummy mood. Your daily life is great and full of success, but you can't help but feel unexcited and unmotivated. If you're experiencing symptoms like these, you may be depressed – and it may stem from low testosterone.

A research study from Munich found that men with depression also commonly had low testosterone levels. This same study also found that depressed men had cortisol levels that were 67% higher than other men. Because higher cortisol levels lead to lower levels of testosterone, the chances of severe depression increase.

Depression is a very real disorder and should always be diagnosed and treated by your doctor. One treatment option gaining in popularity is TRT for depression. Studies show that when TRT is used to restore hormone levels, men enjoy a lighter, more improved mood. That's great news for men who are depressed and have not had success with other treatments like anti-depression medicines, which alter the brain's chemistry.

Inability to Concentrate

Inability to Concentrate

Ask anyone over the age of 50 how their memory is, and they'll tell you it wasn't what it used to be. Memory loss and lack of concentration occur naturally as we age – these aren't always signs of dementia or Alzheimer's.

However, what many men consider a symptom of age may be caused by low testosterone. A 2006 study found that males with low T levels performed poorly on cognitive skill tests. These results suggest that low testosterone may play a part in reducing cognitive ability. If you're having trouble staying on task or remembering what your schedule is for the day, it might not be due to your age. It might be because your testosterone levels are too low. If you're having trouble concentrating or remembering daily tasks, it could be time to talk to your doctor.

Why? The aforementioned study found that participating men experienced improved cognitive skills when using TRT.

Weight Gain

Weight Gain

Even though today's society is more inclusive of large people, few adults enjoy gaining weight as they age. Despite their best efforts, many men just can't shed the extra pounds around their midsections, increasing their risk of heart disease and cancer.

Often, male weight gain is caused by hormone imbalances that slow the metabolism and cause weight to pile on. This phase of life is called andropause and happens when there is a lack of testosterone in the body. Couple that with high cortisol levels, and you've got a recipe for flabby guts and double chins.

Fortunately, TRT treatments and physician-led weight loss programs can correct hormone imbalances and lead to healthy weight loss for men.

What is Sermorelin

What is Sermorelin?

Sermorelin is a synthetic hormone peptide, like GHRH, which triggers the release of growth hormones. When used under the care of a qualified physician, Sermorelin can help you lose weight, increase your energy levels, and help you feel much younger.

Benefits of Sermorelin

Benefits of Sermorelin

Human growth hormone (HGH) therapy has been used for years to treat hormone deficiencies. Unlike HGH, which directly replaces declining human growth hormone levels, Sermorelin addresses the underlying cause of decreased HGH, stimulating the pituitary gland naturally. This approach keeps the mechanisms of growth hormone production active.

Benefits of Sermorelin include:

  • Better Immune Function
  • Improved Physical Performance
  • More Growth Hormone Production
  • Less Body Fat
  • Build More Lean Muscle
  • Better Sleep
What is Ipamorelin

What is Ipamorelin?

Ipamorelin helps to release growth hormones in a person's body by mimicking a peptide called ghrelin. Ghrelin is one of three hormones which work together to regulate the growth hormone levels released by the pituitary gland. Because Ipamorelin stimulates the body to produce growth hormone, your body won't stop its natural growth hormone production, which occurs with synthetic HGH.

Ipamorelin causes growth hormone secretion that resembles natural release patterns rather than being constantly elevated from HGH. Because ipamorelin stimulates the natural production of growth hormone, our patients can use this treatment long-term with fewer health risks.

Benefits of Ipamorelin

Benefits of Ipamorelin

One of the biggest benefits of Ipamorelin is that it is suitable for both men and women. It provides significant short and long-term benefits in age management therapies, boosting patients' overall health, wellbeing, and outlook on life. When growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland using Ipamorelin, clients report amazing benefits.

Some of those benefits include:

  • Powerful Anti-Aging Properties
  • More Muscle Mass
  • Less Unsightly Body Fat
  • Deep, Restful Sleep
  • Increased Athletic Performance
  • More Energy
  • Less Recovery Time for Training Sessions and Injuries
  • Enhanced Overall Wellness and Health
  • No Significant Increase in Cortisol

Your New, Youthful Lease on Life Starts Here

Whether you are considering our TRT services, HRT for women, or our growth hormone peptide services, we are here to help. The first step to turning back the hand of time starts by contacting Global Life Rejuvenation.

Our friendly, knowledgeable TRT and HRT experts can help answer your questions and walk you through our procedures. From there, we'll figure out which treatments are right for you. Before you know it, you'll be well on your way to looking and feeling better than you have in years!


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Latest News in Short Hills, NJ

Apple Store in New Jersey Files to Unionize in Renewed Push

An Apple Inc. retail store in the upscale town of Short Hills, New Jersey, has petitioned to unionize, marking the first such effort after a yearlong lull.The store, located within a mall, has 104 employees that would be part of the union if the effort moves forward. The staff, represented by Communications Workers of America, filed its petition with the National Labor Relations Board on Monday.This marks the fifth US Apple store where workers have petitioned to unionize, joining locations in Oklahoma City, the Maryland town of...

An Apple Inc. retail store in the upscale town of Short Hills, New Jersey, has petitioned to unionize, marking the first such effort after a yearlong lull.

The store, located within a mall, has 104 employees that would be part of the union if the effort moves forward. The staff, represented by Communications Workers of America, filed its petition with the National Labor Relations Board on Monday.

This marks the fifth US Apple store where workers have petitioned to unionize, joining locations in Oklahoma City, the Maryland town of Towson, Atlanta and St. Louis. So far, only the Towson and Oklahoma City sites have successfully unionized.

“We strongly believe forming a union is the best way to ensure all Apple workers receive the respect, pay, benefits and working conditions we deserve,” John Nagy, a member of the organizing committee for the New Jersey, said in a statement provided by the CWA. “While Apple has responded to organizing by violating workers’ rights at stores across the country, we hope Apple’s executives will recognize their opportunity to stay on the cutting edge by taking a different approach.”

He added that the group asked Apple “not to interfere in our ongoing organizing efforts and, instead, allow workers to freely determine for themselves whether to form a union.”

In a statement, Apple said that it was “dedicated to providing an excellent experience for our customers and teams.”

“We have always paid our retail teams in the top tier of the market,” the Cupertino, California-based company said. “And we provide exceptional and comprehensive benefits for all full- and part-time employees as a part of the overall support we provide to our valued team members.”

Read More: Apple Continues Efforts to Keep Retail Stores From Unionizing

In June 2022, the Towson store became Apple’s first US location to successfully unionize, helping set off other efforts. In response, Apple held a number of meetings with retail workers that year and in 2023 to address concerns. The company said that the gatherings were informational sessions, but some workers described them as a ploy to prevent further unions.

For the last year or so, the Apple unionization efforts appeared to lose momentum. The New Jersey store workers could help rekindle the effort.

“By forming a union, we are expressing our dedication to our work and our customers and our desire to have an independent voice to advocate for more fairness and opportunity for all Apple retail workers,” according to the statement.

The store has to undergo a process before workers can join the union. If the NLRB holds an election and a majority of voters support the union, then Apple would be required to recognize and negotiate with the group over working conditions and policies.

The Towson and Oklahoma City workers have so far been unable to reach a collective bargaining agreement with Apple.

Last year, an NLRB judge ruled that Apple illegally “coercively interrogated” employees about their pro-union sympathies at a World Trade Center store in New York City, and a regional director of the agency issued a complaint accusing the company of violating labor law by denying the unionized Towson store the improved benefits it was rolling out elsewhere. Apple has denied wrongdoing.

(Updates with more on Apple’s NLRB history in final paragraph.)

Confirmed: Eataly is Coming to Short Hills Mall

Here at The Montclair Girl, we pride ourselves on being on the cutting edge of local happenings. We read the news, check our DMs, and do our best to stay on top of things. But one story has eluded us for weeks: a rumor is going around that world-famous Italian market and eatery Eataly has plans for a location in the Short Hills Mall later this year. Finally, after multiple trips to the Short Hills Mall, we have an update. Read...

Here at The Montclair Girl, we pride ourselves on being on the cutting edge of local happenings. We read the news, check our DMs, and do our best to stay on top of things. But one story has eluded us for weeks: a rumor is going around that world-famous Italian market and eatery Eataly has plans for a location in the Short Hills Mall later this year. Finally, after multiple trips to the Short Hills Mall, we have an update. Read on for what we know.

The first mention of an Eataly location bubbled up via local influencer NJ Hipsturbia Collective’s Instagram. The team shared a post reading, “Eataly is coming to New Jersey by the end of 2024 in the previous Primo Mercado location at the Short Hills Mall. This will be Eataly’s first location in New Jersey. Construction has already begun at the Mall.” When reached for comment, the team would only reveal that they had gotten the information from “a reputable source at Short Hills Mall.”

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A post shared by NJ Hipsturbia Collective (@njhipsturbia)

Members of the MG team have visited other Eataly locations and are excited about the possibility, so we sprung into action. We contacted Eataly’s corporate headquarters. We contacted the Short Hills Mall management. We even went to Short Hills Mall to see for ourselves.

We got: no calls or emails in response to our queries. We saw: no construction.

Meanwhile, other local news outlets reported on Eataly’s opening as fact. We saw the story in NJ.com, TapInto, Jersey Digs, and New Jersey Monthly.

Finally, on March 10th, we were able to get confirmation with our own two eyes. The mall directory now has Eataly listed.

Eataly was founded in Turin, Italy on January 27th, 2007 by Oscar Farinetti, per Eataly’s website. Oscar’s vision for Eataly extended beyond creating a store — he aspired to establish an understanding of life through the lens of food. With this concept in mind, Oscar created a school, a market, and a table to bring people together in one place. Over time, Eataly expanded its footprint across the world, including locations in New York, Los Angeles, Germany, Japan, and London.

Before Oscar opened the first Eataly in Italy, he traveled across 20 regions to select local producers who aligned with the Slow Food partner’s criteria for cuisine that is fresh and delicious. These chosen Italian producers import fresh ingredients from Italy such as Afeltra’s bronze-extruded, air-dried pasta from southern Gragnano, and Niasca Portofino’s freshly jarred pesto Genovese from northern Liguria.

Eataly will be located on the first floor of the mall, near Bloomingdales’, in the space that formerly held Mercado. Eataly provides a variety of dining options like a pizzeria, a pasta bar, a meat and cheese counter, and a gelato shop. Aside from dining, Eataly is also a retail market that has Italian groceries, cookware, and tableware.

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A post shared by Eataly NYC (@eatalynewyorkcity)

Depending on the location, Eataly tailors its dining experiences to suit individual tastes. Specific restaurant names for its New Jersey location remain unknown at this time.

Eataly shoppers can expect the same Italian cooking and lifestyle shopping and dining experience as at other locations. In addition to shopping for Italian groceries and ingredients, the store also has home goods and personal products for sale. The food hall portion features different dining counters with different experiences. Other Eataly locations have choices such as seafood, cheese, gelato, and even one counter in Chicago is dedicated solely to Nutella. Eataly also has cooking classes and other instruction. Some selections from other locations include wine tastings, and truffles.

Though details about its arrival at Short Hills Mall are currently limited, be sure to follow @themontclairgirl on Instagram and TikTok for further updates, and sign up for our weekly newsletter here.

Eataly Opening in Mall at Short Hills; More Food News

OpeningEataly, Short HillsIt was announced last week that New York City’s beloved eatery slash Italian market would be expanding to New Jersey later this year. Eataly, which originated in Italy in the early 2000s, is set to open in the Short Hills Mall by the e...


Eataly, Short Hills

It was announced last week that New York City’s beloved eatery slash Italian market would be expanding to New Jersey later this year. Eataly, which originated in Italy in the early 2000s, is set to open in the Short Hills Mall by the end of 2024, replacing the shuttered Primo Mercato. Eataly’s new location is slated to feature restaurants, cafés, a pasta bar, a meat and cheese counter, a pizzeria counter, a gelato shop and market/retail shopping. 1200 Morris Turnpike

Pachamama, Green Brook

Named after the South American Earth Mother goddess, this new restaurant merges Latin and South American cuisine and culture to create elevated dishes and cocktails—and immerses guests in Mother Nature’s beauty in its decorated dining area. Dishes on the menu include pork belly chicharron, ceviche and shrimp tacos, plus cocktails (and mocktails) like mojitos, pisco sours and palomas. Closed on Monday and Tuesdays. 215 US-22

87 Sussex, Jersey City

Described as “a culinary haven nestled in the heart of Paulus Hook,” 87 Sussex is a new gourmet restaurant emphasizing elegance in its food, cocktails and atmosphere. The menu, overseen by executive chef Brian Walter, features American fare with global-inspired touches and ingredients. No menu is available to view online yet, but photos on their Instagram account showcase dishes including seafood, steak and vegetables. 87 Sussex Street; 551-256-7864

[RELATED: Vote in New Jersey Monthly’s Jersey Choice Restaurant Poll]

Wingman By Blue 42, Lincoln Park

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La Colina, Cranford

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Former Millburn Board of Education Vice President Passes Away

SHORT HILLS, NJ -- Jianxiang “Jesse” Liu, a longtime Short Hills resident, passed away peacefully with his family by his side on Saturday, April 6, 2024. He was 53.Liu leaves behind his wife of 27 years, Qingmei Bu; his parents, Guankun Liu and Qinying Deng; three daughters, Monica, Helen and Selena Liu; one brother, Jianwei Liu; and many nieces, nephews and friends.Born in Guangzhou, China on October 23, 1970, Jesse earned his bachelor's degree from Sun Yat-Sen University where he met his future wife, Qingmei. They...

SHORT HILLS, NJ -- Jianxiang “Jesse” Liu, a longtime Short Hills resident, passed away peacefully with his family by his side on Saturday, April 6, 2024. He was 53.

Liu leaves behind his wife of 27 years, Qingmei Bu; his parents, Guankun Liu and Qinying Deng; three daughters, Monica, Helen and Selena Liu; one brother, Jianwei Liu; and many nieces, nephews and friends.

Born in Guangzhou, China on October 23, 1970, Jesse earned his bachelor's degree from Sun Yat-Sen University where he met his future wife, Qingmei. They immigrated to the United States together in 1992, and Jesse received his first master’s degree in math at the University of Georgia. After that, he graduated from Yale University with a master’s degree in computer science. Jesse had a long career as a Financial Engineer at MatlinPatterson in New York City.

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Jianxiang and Qingmei married on July 12, 1996, and settled in New York before moving to New Jersey. According to Qingmei, “Our three daughters were the light of his life, and Jesse was incredibly proud of them.”

Jesse served on the Millburn Board of Education (BOE) for three years and was the vice president for one year. His BOE contributions included having the Lunar New Year recognized as a school holiday and starting a Chinese school in Millburn. He also held numerous other service roles in the community.

Jesse, a long-distance runner who had participated in over 20 marathons, enjoyed outdoor activities. He founded a running club in Short Hills that now has over 300 members. He and his family loved to travel and visited numerous National Parks.

His family shared that Jesse “had a great sense of humor and brought light to the lives of everyone he met.”

A memorial service for Jesse will be held on Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Westin Governor Morris, 2 Whippany Road, Morristown, NJ. At the conclusion of the service, a memorial visitation for Jesse will follow from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

A live stream of the memorial service will be on https://www.tributearchive.com/obituaries/31143025/jianxiang-liu .

In lieu of gifts, charitable contributions in Jesse’s memory may be made to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network or Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Givenchy opens standalone store inside The Mall at Short Hills

French luxury fashion brand Givenchy recently opened a store inside a New Jersey mall.The high-end designer unveiled on Nov. 22 its lone Garden State location at The Mall at Short Hills in Millburn.It is 3,300 square feet and located on the mall’s upper level between Nordstrom and ...

French luxury fashion brand Givenchy recently opened a store inside a New Jersey mall.

The high-end designer unveiled on Nov. 22 its lone Garden State location at The Mall at Short Hills in Millburn.

It is 3,300 square feet and located on the mall’s upper level between Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus.

The Givenchy brand is usually sold at department stores like Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue and Bergdorf Goodman.

Givenchy is known for its men’s and women’s clothing, fragrances, bags, shoes, accessories and more.

The store is open at The Mall at Short Hills from 10 a.m to 8 p.m. (Monday through Saturday) and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Sunday).


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