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Medical Weight Loss Injections in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ


Semaglutide Treatment-woman

Medical Weight Loss in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ

Did you know that more than 40% of adults in the United States suffer from obesity? Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure for this condition. Perhaps worse is that more and more adults and children are gaining weight across the country, choosing the convenience of fast and nutrition-deficient foods over healthy eating, exercise, and positive life choices. From an aesthetic standpoint, being overweight is a struggle - clothes don't fit right, people make uncomfortable comments about how you look, and everyday activities are less appealing.

From a health and wellness standpoint, however, being obese is much worse. Your life is literally on the line. The people who love you and depend on you to be in their lives could lose you sooner than you expect. With time, you have a higher chance of suffering from significant, life-changing issues such as:

  • Heart Disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • ED
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Respiratory Issues
  • More

While obesity is a serious problem, a new medication on the market is giving hope to millions of men and women across the U.S. This game-changing treatment is called Semaglutide in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ. This anti-obesity medication is unique because it treats obesity as a chronic metabolic disease, rather than a problem that can be solved through sheer willpower. The best part? Semaglutide and other medical weight-loss peptides are now available at Global Life Rejuvenation.

Service Areas

Medical Weight Loss from Global Life Rejuvenation

At Global Life Rejuvenation, we understand that losing weight is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Our medical weight loss clinic offers custom medical weight loss plans tailored to your body, rather than plans based solely on your age or weight. In fact, our team of doctors and practitioners provides personalized guidance to help you achieve real results and live a healthier life.

Because the truth is maintaining good health and fitness are crucial in the modern world. Research has shown that viruses and diseases are more likely to affect those who are overweight and unhealthy. At Global Life Rejuvenation, we take a comprehensive, custom approach to medical weight loss that includes peptide therapy and more. We then work with you to make positive lifestyle changes, so you can lose weight, get healthy, and boost your wellbeing permanently - not for a few weeks or months.

Medical Weight Loss

Our medical weight loss plans can include:

Nutrition Guidance

Nutrition Guidance

Peptide Therapy

Peptide Therapy

Hormone Therapy

Hormone Therapy

Biometric Monitoring

Biometric Monitoring

Weight Loss Medications

Weight Loss Medications

Custom Medical Weight Loss Plans

Custom Medical Weight Loss Plans

If you're ready to get back to loving your life with more energy, confidence, and positivity, medical weight loss with peptide therapy may be for you. But to truly understand the benefits of peptides like Semaglutide, it's important you grasp what peptide therapy is and how it benefits your body.

Treatment in Hasbrouck Heights

Treatment in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ

Many individuals turn to peptide therapy to enhance their overall wellbeing by boosting hormones. Different types of peptides can target different areas of health, such as collagen peptides that can help improve skin, hair, and gut health.

Other peptides, such as AOD 9604, CJC 1295, and Semaglutide in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ, are incredibly beneficial for losing weight. Compared to vitamin supplements, peptide therapy works differently as peptides are already part of the proteins in our bodies, making them easier to absorb and benefit from. Conversely, our bodies can sometimes fail to absorb all the nutrients present in multivitamins, leading to their excretion through urine.

However, it's important to note that weight loss is a complex process that involves various factors like age, genetics, lifestyle, exercise, and diet. While peptides like Semaglutide can provide much-needed assistance in achieving your weight loss goals, they are most effective when combined with healthy dietary choices, regular exercise routines, and overall healthier lifestyle choices.

If you've already tried different weight loss plans and diets but haven't had any success, medical weight loss with peptide therapy may provide that extra boost you need to realize your goals.

What is Semaglutide Treatment in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ?

If you're looking to lose weight and keep it off, diet and exercise are important, but it can be difficult to stick to a routine. For busy adults and parents, Semaglutide can be a helpful tool for weight loss. This injection, approved by the FDA for diabetes and obesity, works by stimulating GLP-1 receptors in the brain to aid in weight loss and improve long-term health.

You may be wondering to yourself, "That sounds great, but how does this type of peptide work?" Semaglutide acts like glucagon in your body, which signals to your brain that you're full and don't need to eat anymore. When you take Semaglutide, and you try to overeat, your body waves a proverbial red flag as if to say, "That's enough."

Semaglutide also slows down digestion, reducing unnecessary snacking throughout the day. By reducing glucose spikes after meals, it reduces inflammation, which is important for overall health. Additionally, Semaglutide helps your pancreas secrete insulin, regulates the glucose levels in your body, and even has anti-aging and longevity properties. If you're struggling to lose weight, peptide therapies for weight loss like Semaglutide can be an invaluable addition to your weight loss plan from Global Life Rejuvenation.

What is Treatment in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ?

When combined with healthy lifestyle choices like diet and exercise, Semaglutide can help provide:

  • Long-Term Weight Loss
  • Control of Insulin
  • Reduction in Body Fat
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Lower Cholesterol
  • Reduced Inflammation
Semaglutide can help

Who Should Consider Semaglutide Therapy in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ?

There are multiple medications available to combat obesity by suppressing appetite and promoting weight loss. However, Semaglutide stands out as an exceptional option.

A recent study of 2,000 obese adults examined the effects of Semaglutide when combined with a diet and exercise program. The results were compared to those who only made lifestyle changes without taking Semaglutide. After 68 weeks, it was found that half of the participants using Semaglutide lost 15% of their body weight, with nearly a third losing 20%. In contrast, those who only made lifestyle changes lost an average of 2.4% of their weight.

It's obvious, then, that Semaglutide is a safe and effective supplement for your weight loss journey with Global Life Rejuvenation. But who is the ideal patient who should be taking it?

If you have a body mass index (BMI) of 27kg/m2 or higher and at least one weight-related condition, such as high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol, or if your BMI is 30kg/m2 or higher, the FDA recommends Semaglutide for weight loss.

Semaglutide Therapy

Healthy Eating Tips While Taking Semaglutide

As medical weight loss experts, one thing our doctors and practitioners know at Global Life Rejuvenation is that true weight loss isn't dictated by medicines. It's achieved by sticking to a combo of exercise, healthy life choices, and healthy eating habits. From there, peptides like Semaglutide in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ are great for taking your weight loss efforts to the next level of success.

One area where many patients fail in this process is with their diet. If you're considering Semaglutide treatment, keep these diet tips in mind.

Eat Whole Foods

Eat Whole Foods

To enhance your dietary habits, a practical approach is to concentrate on consuming whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. These food items are rich in nutrients and can provide a feeling of fullness and satisfaction while also promoting your overall wellbeing.

Be Mindful When You Eat

Be Mindful When You Eat

Eating mindfully involves being fully present and engaged during meals. This entails taking the time to enjoy the flavor of your food, being aware of your body's hunger and fullness signals, and avoiding distractions like electronics or television.

Keep Your Body Hydrated

Keep Your Body Hydrated

To maintain good health and support weight loss, it's crucial to drink plenty of water. It's recommended to drink at least 8-10 cups of water daily. You may also try adding low-calorie drinks like herbal tea or infused water to keep things interesting.


Use Meal Prepping to Your Advantage

Planning your meals in advance is an effective approach to maintaining a healthy diet. Set aside some time each week to plan your meals and snacks, keeping in mind to incorporate a balance of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. This will prevent impulsive food choices and guarantee that you have nutritious options available when hunger strikes.

Other Peptide Therapies and Medicines for Medical Weight Loss in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ

Unlike many medical weight loss clinics, which only offer cookie-cutter weight loss plans and one or two additional fat-busting solutions, Global Life Rejuvenation provides access to new, innovative supplements and medicines. If you're used to fad diets and "quick" weight loss plans, peptides like AOD 9604 and others may be new to you. To help build your foundation of healthy living knowledge, let's take a look at a few of the most popular weight-loss peptides and medicines available at Global Life Rejuvenation.

AOD 9604 for Weight Loss

AOD 9604 for Weight Loss

Often combined with Semaglutide regimens, AOD 9604 is known to promote fat breakdown, inhibit lipogenesis, and support tendons and cartilage. However, most recently, it has gained popularity due to its ability to boost metabolism and aid in burning fat.

What sets AOD 9604 apart is that it stimulates the pituitary gland without affecting tissue growth or blood sugar levels. Additionally, it can burn fat without causing overeating, making it a viable option for obese men and women who are trying to implement better eating habits.

Interestingly, AOD 9604 activates your body's fat-burning processes without requiring an HGH receptor. It also releases obese fat cells and reduces the accumulation of new fat cells. By helping to regulate blood sugar and manage insulin levels, AOD 9604 is excellent for weight loss but also for other maladies like inflammation.

Some conditions that this powerful peptide can help address include the following:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Damaged Cartilage
  • Arthritis
CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin for Weight Loss

CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin for Weight Loss

This medical weight loss supplement Is technically a combo of two peptides. These substances work by stimulating your pituitary gland to produce more of your body's natural human growth hormone, which is secreted during both waking and sleeping periods.

This results in increased protein synthesis and levels of insulin-like growth factors. As hormone secretagogues, they help release hormones into circulation while mimicking the pituitary gland's production. Extensive research has been conducted on the effects of CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin. As a tool for medical weight loss, it has shown very promising results.

That's because when growth hormone levels increase, nutrients are transported through the body faster, more fat is burned, and weight management becomes simpler. Additionally, because CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin increase the amount of growth hormone in your body, it stimulates the breakdown of triglycerides in adipocytes, leading to improved fat metabolism and reduced abdominal fat.

Benefits of CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin for weight loss include:

  • Weight Loss
  • Reduction in Body Fat
  • Boosted Metabolism
  • More Energy
  • Enhanced Immune System
  • More
MIC Injections for Weight Loss

MIC Injections for Weight Loss

A Methionine Inositol Choline (MIC) injection is a mixture of lipotropics that aid in fat breakdown. The key components - methionine, inositol, and choline - work together to metabolize fat cells and eliminate stored fat deposits in the liver and body. Methionine is an important amino acid, inositol contributes to proper cell formation, and choline is a water-soluble nutrient that promotes healthy liver function. When combined, these compounds may help reduce body fat.

When used in conjunction with a medical weight loss plan from Global Life Rejuvenation, MIC injections can be a powerful addition to reclaiming your health and wellbeing.

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Phentermine for Weight Loss

Like other weight loss peptides and medicines on this page, Phentermine can help you lose weight when you stick to a medical weight loss plan that includes dieting, exercise, and smart life choices. It does so by reducing your appetite, which limits the number of calories you eat every day.

As is the case with Semaglutide, Phentermine has been approved by the FDA and is supported by clinical studies that show it can support weight loss. With time, patience, and healthy living, this supplement may help you reach your wellness goals sooner than you thought possible.

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Phentermine for Weight Loss

7-Keto DHEA for Weight Loss

In the body, 7-keto-DHEA is produced from dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), which is a hormone made by glands near your kidneys. However, unlike DHEA, 7-keto-DHEA is not converted into androgen and estrogen in your body. Instead, 7-keto-DHEA is used orally or topically to boost your body's metabolism. It also helps convert more of your energy into heat, instead of storing it in your body as fat, which can accumulate with time and lifestyle choices.

Much like Semaglutide treatment in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ, 7-keto-DHEA has been shown to be very effective for weight loss as well as a host of other issues. Additional benefits of taking 7-keto-DHEA may include the following:

  • Weight Loss
  • Improvement to Lean Muscle Mass
  • Boosted Thyroid Activity
  • Enhanced Memory
  • Anti-Aging Treatment
  • Better Memory

Lipo Scuplt Cream

Have you tried everything under the sun to try and eliminate the cellulite on your legs, arms, and other areas of your body? If you're like most people, getting rid of cellulite isn't just difficult - it's nearly impossible. Fortunately, those days are over. Lipo Sculpt Cream from Global Life Rejuvenation can help reduce the unsightly appearance of cellulite while also refining your figure and firming up your skin.

The active ingredients in this product have the ability to reduce and prevent the growth of fatty tissue while also improving microcirculation. They work together to treat both adipose and aqueous cellulite, and aid in the elimination of fatty deposits and excess water stored in the tissues. This results in a reduction of dimples and an overall improvement in the appearance of your skin.

If you have experienced success with a medical weight loss plan and reached your target weight but still suffer from cellulite, Lipo Sculpt Cream is a fantastic choice to consider. A few of the most common benefits include:

  • Anti-Cellulite Properties Reduce Cellulite and Smooth Skin Dimples
  • Slimming Effect for Reducing Thigh and Waist Circumference
  • Leaves Your Skin Feeling Firm and Healthy
Lipo Scuplt Cream

Health and Wellness Begin with Medical Weight Loss from Global Life Rejuvenation

Are you craving a productive life at a healthy weight? Are you ready to make a meaningful difference in your life and the lives of your loved ones? The pathway to wellbeing starts by contacting our office for an in-depth consultation, where we'll learn more about your weight-loss goals and needs.

From there, we'll create a custom weight-loss plan tailored to your body. This plan will map out the steps of your weight-loss journey, including peptide therapies like Semaglutide in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ. Though every person's weight management goals are different, when you're a patient at Global Life Rejuvenation, you benefit from dedicated doctors and practitioners committed to improving your weight and, in turn, your health.

Whether your health is on the line, or you don't like how being overweight makes you look and feel, our team is ready to guide you toward long-term health and happiness. This way, you can get healthy, stay in shape, and fall in love with your newfound body.

phone-numberCall Us 866.793.9933

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Latest News in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ

Hasbrouck Heights hires football coach with deep North Jersey roots

Eddie Suri figures he’s one-for-one, and it’s one he intends to keep.The 43-year-old veteran assistant was approved as the next head football coach at Hasbrouck Heights by the district’s Board of Education on Thursday night. It's his first head coaching job after stints at multiple North Jersey schools as an assistant, most recently at Westwood.“I live in Hasbrouck Heights, my wife graduated from Heights, it’s one of the towns where they love athletics, they love football,” Sur...

Eddie Suri figures he’s one-for-one, and it’s one he intends to keep.

The 43-year-old veteran assistant was approved as the next head football coach at Hasbrouck Heights by the district’s Board of Education on Thursday night. It's his first head coaching job after stints at multiple North Jersey schools as an assistant, most recently at Westwood.

“I live in Hasbrouck Heights, my wife graduated from Heights, it’s one of the towns where they love athletics, they love football,” Suri said. “This is the situation I was looking for. I wanted the closest thing to Westwood I could find. I am one-for-one. This is the only head coaching job I ever put in for.”

Suri was an All-Conference quarterback/defensive back at Elmwood Park before graduating in 1999. He then attended Montclair State, where he continued his football career.

Inspired by coach John DePalma, Suri knew he wanted to be a coach coming out of school. He started with Rutherford, working with the wide receivers and defensive backs, then latched on with Roger Kotlarz at Becton in 2007.

That Wildcats staff included Suri (now at Hasbrouck Heights), Nick Campanile (head coach at DePaul) Adam Baeira (head coach at Ramsey) and Tom Mulligan (head coach at Elmwood Park).

Suri followed Kotlarz first to Dover and then to Wayne Valley and was the offensive coordinator there from 2014-2017.

“Coach Suri and I have known each other for a long time,” Kotlarz said. “He brings great passion and work ethic each day and his football acumen is fantastic. His offensive scheme is always cutting edge and his units are always well-prepared. Hasbrouck Heights is in good hands, they’re getting a phenomenal coach and person.”

After taking a year off after the birth of his son Charles, Suri found a home at Westwood, working under Dennis Hard and then Bobby Guy. Last year, he was the offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach for the Cardinals. Westwood went 13-0 and won the Group 2 state title.

Suri said leaving Westwood is difficult and admitted he was emotional when he let Guy know he was moving on, but he feels like it’s time to take the next step.

“I think at the end of the day, I put my time in, I held various positions,” Suri said. “I know what it’s supposed to look like and I learned from some amazing coaches. You’re never fully ready, but I definitely know what it’s supposed to look like and I think I will get it there.”

The Aviators have long been a Group 1 and North Jersey Interscholastic Conference power. Suri takes over for Brian Ille, who went 18-12 in three years with the program. Hasbrouck Heights went 7-3 last season and lost to Hawthorne in the sectional semifinals.

“It’s a town where they love football. It’s a great place,” Suri said. “You sit down and talk to anyone from Heights and they know how important football is here. This is the situation I was looking for. There is no other job that I want.”

Sign of the times: MikeWorldWide moving its HQ to Hasbrouck Heights

Largest PR and public affairs firm in state is maintaining its Meadowlands-area presence while taking space in office that better serves remote and hybrid workforce of futureByTom Bergeron(East Rutherford/Hasbrouck Heights)-January 10, 2024 MikeWorldWide, known for its quality service as one of the leading public relations agencies in the state — and for the big sign on its building on Route 3 — announced Wednes...

Largest PR and public affairs firm in state is maintaining its Meadowlands-area presence while taking space in office that better serves remote and hybrid workforce of future


Tom Bergeron(East Rutherford/Hasbrouck Heights)


January 10, 2024

MikeWorldWide, known for its quality service as one of the leading public relations agencies in the state — and for the big sign on its building on Route 3 — announced Wednesday that it is moving out of its longtime headquarters.

Don’t be alarmed — the firm is not going far. By the end of the month, MWW aims to be in a new building at 500 Route 17 S. in Hasbrouck Heights, near Route 46 and Interstate 80, a building that is better suited for today’s workplace.

This is a classic commercial real estate story of a company not needing the same footprint as it has for years. It’s one that is playing out in every corner of the state.

MWW officials said the firm initially sought a different space in a building it has called home for more than three decades, but it could not come to an agreement with the landlord.

CEO Michael Kempner, who founded MikeWorldWide in 1986, said staying true to the area — and the firm’s clients — drove the decision.

After an exhaustive, months-long, statewide search, the agency chose to keep its main office in the Meadowlands because of the region’s proximity to New Jersey’s economic and population centers, as well as its transportation network, making MWW accessible to all points north, south, east and west, he said.

“While we continue to grow as a firm and extend our national and global reach, we will never forget our roots nor waver in our commitment to New Jersey, where I founded this company more than 35 years ago,” he said. “Our new office keeps MWW at the center of the action in New Jersey and the greater metropolitan area, allowing us to further enhance our client services and attract new talent.”

Bill Murray, the firm’s national director for public affairs, said the Hasbrouck Heights location allows MWW to maintain its high level of client service while providing employees with added flexibility and opportunities for collaboration. It also reflects the reality of an evolving workforce environment that values work-life balance and connecting people more and more through technology rather than shared office space.

“New Jersey is home to many of our team members, as well as clients and some of the largest, most successful brands in the world. We are here to serve them,” he said.

“As is true with many organizations, we have learned since the pandemic to adapt and work differently to get the job done. Embracing remote and hybrid work has led to increased production and employee satisfaction, and many of our clients have opted for virtual rather than in-person meetings to stay connected. Our new Hasbrouck Heights location gives us what we need to support our employees and deliver for our clients.”

Meadowlands Chamber CEO Jim Kirkos said he was thrilled the company was staying in the area.

“Keeping MWW’s powerful brand visible is incredibly important to us here at the Meadowlands Chamber,” he said. “Not only is MikeWorldWide a great longstanding member, their expertise and guidance to us has been invaluable. We are all delighted they will remain our neighbors.”

The firm, which describes itself as working at the intersection of consumer brand marketing, technology and corporate reputation, has more than 225 employees. It has a second New Jersey office in Trenton, not to mention offices in New York, Washington, D.C., Denver, Los Angeles and London.

None, however, has that iconic sign.

On two sides of the building, it is visible to cars on Route 3 and the New Jersey Turnpike. And, while it seems like it has been part of the landscape forever, it only has adorned the building since 2013, when it was put up before the Super Bowl came to town.

Now, it’s coming down — by the end of the month, if not the end of the week.

A sign of the times indeed.

Hawthorne football avenges early loss to Hasbrouck Heights, will host sectional final

HASBROUCK HEIGHTS − Hawthorne got revenge and a so-called “monkey off its back” with one impressive performance.The No. 3 seed Bears handled Hasbrouck Heights, 34-9, in Friday’s North 1, Group 1 football semifinal at Depken Field.Hawthorne (8-2) advanced to its first sectional final since 1987 and reversed its regular-season result against the Aviators − a 35-7 loss which took place on the same field."That one was 14-7 with 11 minutes to go in the game," Bears coach ...

HASBROUCK HEIGHTS − Hawthorne got revenge and a so-called “monkey off its back” with one impressive performance.

The No. 3 seed Bears handled Hasbrouck Heights, 34-9, in Friday’s North 1, Group 1 football semifinal at Depken Field.

Hawthorne (8-2) advanced to its first sectional final since 1987 and reversed its regular-season result against the Aviators − a 35-7 loss which took place on the same field.

"That one was 14-7 with 11 minutes to go in the game," Bears coach John Passero said. "So we knew we could play with them. I thought our offense clicked a lot better [Friday]."

Check out the photo gallery, then continue reading.

Bears QB Tyler Menne threw three touchdown passes, including two to Matt Lorper, as the visitors scored on all four first-half possessions to lead 27-3.

"This is a big step for us," Lorper said. "We had a goal of making it here, but it's much better now than it was even thinking about it in June."

What it means

Up next for Hawthorne is playoff nemesis Mountain Lakes, which knocked out Passero's team from both the 2018 and 2019 playoffs. Those games were played in Morris County, and this time, the Bears will host.

"We've had some good games with them the last two times we played," the coach said. "So, it's pretty exciting to be home next week."

Hawthorne's last sectional final appearance was in North 1, Group 2, and that capped a string of three finals in four years under coach Tom DeMaio Sr. The program's last title, though, came under DeMaio in 1978.

Hasbrouck Heights, which was aiming for its sixth sectional title game since 2016, finished 7-3.

Key plays

Lorper came up big numerous times in the first half. His 22-yard punt return set up Hawthorne with a short field for its first drive, which culminated with a Logan Sakir 12-yard TD run.

On the first play of the second quarter, Lorper got behind the secondary, and Menne hit him in stride for a 58-yard touchdown to make it 14-3.

The senior receiver then made a diving, 20-yard catch on 4th-and-12 late in the second quarter to give the Bears a first down. He hauled in the ball near the sideline as momentum was taking him out of bounds.

"I remember just looking at the [side]line, seeing how close I was and realizing, 'I'm going to have to toe-tap this'," Lorper said. "I extended as far as I could, toe-tapped it, and I knew I was in when I caught it.

"It was probably one of the best catches in my life."

Game balls

► Menne completed 10-of-13 passes for 203 yards with the 3 TDs and ran 10 times for 21 yards and a score.

► Lorper caught 5 passes for 122 yards and added four tackles, aiding a defensive effort led by LB Rocco Monica (10 tackles) and Anthony DeLallo (4 tackles, INT).

► Senior Joey Formisano led the Aviator defense with 7 tackles, while senior Anthony Cummings starred on offense (4 catches, 52 yards) and special teams (2 kick returns, 53 yards).

They said it

"It's a monkey off our backs as coaches. This was our fifth time in the semifinals, and we finally got to the final." − Passero

Hasbrouck Heights HS Announces Honor Roll for the 1st Marking Period of 2023-24

Hasbrouck Heights High School announced the Honor Roll students for the first marking period of the 2023-24 school year.Photo Credit: Faith C. Ballantine-Armonaitis By Faith ArmonaitisHASBROUCK HEIGHTS -- Hasbrouck Heights High School announced the Honor Roll students for the first marking period of the 2023-24 school year. There are three levels of Honors in high school.First HonorsSeniorsSign Up for FREE Hasbrouck Heights/W...

Hasbrouck Heights High School announced the Honor Roll students for the first marking period of the 2023-24 school year.Photo Credit: Faith C. Ballantine-Armonaitis

By Faith Armonaitis

HASBROUCK HEIGHTS -- Hasbrouck Heights High School announced the Honor Roll students for the first marking period of the 2023-24 school year. There are three levels of Honors in high school.

First Honors


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Alvarez Mia

Beattie Aine

Cappadona Tyler

D'Amico Rocco

Dammann Caleb

Davila Betancur Paulina

DeCicco Evan

Delman Maya

Estrada Stuart

Fede Isabella

Ferrante Sofia

Formisano Joseph

Giron Rodrigo

Kelly Dean

Lara Sophia

LeConte Daniella

Leidemer Ethan

Modak Ayaan

Molina Brianna

Neumuller Courtney-Paige

Ortiz Matthew

Reyes Alexa

Rivera Giomara

Russo Samantha

Sato Mia

Scuilla Connor

St. Surin Analiese


Agapinan Alfonsus

Barsoum Michelle

Castellano Nina

Cinquino Hailey

Cuellar Nadja

De Guzman Nathalie

Donnelly Neil

Gjeli Elina

Mazza Maxwell

Monchino Alexandra

Morales Debora

Morales Victoria

Morrow Aidan

Ng Connor

Nilaj Tommy

Olivero Jennie

Peterson Kailen

Powers Alexandra

Rodrigues Brandyn

Veliky Mae

Wojtkielewicz Tiffany

Zou Sabrina


Archibald Laquan

Bruton Kelly

Buffone Melanie

Ciminata Gianluca

DeCandia Siena

Fermin Matthew

Fondanarosa Leonardo

Garcia Julien

Placide Elijah

Spittle Carter

Syed Parishay

Tran Ethan

Zou Vincent


Antoun Maureen

Baratta Jade

Bennett Myles

Bohan Isabel

Broncano Evelette

Calbi Jessica

Collins Bianca

Daniels Joshua

Espinas Ethan James

Focarino Gianna

Korteling Jenna

Long Amy

Monchino Sofia

Pan Conor

Rajab Farehan

Rodriguez Khalep

Shehu Oledia

Veras Amaya

Second Honors


Acosta Cierra

Adusumilli Sribhavya

Alvarado Penelope

Baez Darien

Barrios Marybeth

Bele Reva

Billings Frank

Bohan Maya

Bruton Jack

Colaneri Mia

Collins McKayla

Cravotta Angel

Cummings Anthony

Daniels Caylie

Desai Yashvi

Drezek David

Eddy Elliot

Ejgird Madison

Espinas Criselle Anne

Garrett Davyen

Helwa Salma

Kongoli Kelsea

Kouletas George

Lamson Kate Karla

Liya Fatema

Loaiza Tyler

Mancini Diego

Martinez Romeo

Mezzacapo Luca

Natoli Madison

Ochoa Brandon

Pabilonia Fiona Maria Angela

Prince Nicholas

Riccobono Giuliana

Robinson Samantha

Robles Noah

Samperi Alexandra

Scarpa Mia

Schaffer Ian

Shin Yisol

Smith Morgan

Taher Aniqa

Tailor Kush

Toledo Sofia

Tomala Taylor

Urgiles Shantal

Vasquez Anna Lisse

Vera Evan

Werner Evan

Yalta Berkay


Alvarez Cecilia

Andrade Silvia

Bancea Chloe

Betances Jonah

Blake Kyra

Broncano Sebastian

Brown Lily

Bua Mackenzie

Burrell Leshaunia

Caceres Johnathan

Calle Daniel

Davis Sydney

Escamilla Priscila

Estevez Daniella

Freay Alaina

Garcia Gianna

Garcia Sienna

Ghongpa Jordan

Gyenes Jocelyn

Long Jennifer

Mandzy Andriy

Ober Ryan

Paradiso Franco

Perdomo Louis

Perez Ethan

Reyes Jacob

Reyngoudt Tessa

Riedweg Alyssa

Riordan Mackenzie

Russo Joseph

Salvador Frazer Josh

Sisco Jadelyn

Solis Oscar

Suenaga Chihiro

Summers Jake

Swalsky Lilah

Tascon Isabella

Traverso Brendan

Von Seidelmann Kyle

Williams Jasmine


Asat Sanjar

Batista Dashly

Brady Skylar

Chatterjee Ayana

Chicaiza Jayden

Choedon Rinchen

Colaneri Alysa

Conkle Skylar

Deliu Natalia

Espinoza Mia

Estrada Andrea

Fermin Dylan

Imtiaz Minal

Jimbo Meisei

Kelly Marcus

McGurran Ryan

Mosheqaj Paul

Regino Maximus

Rios Faith

Roman Abigail

Saad Sherin

Saccone Daniella

Sheldon Rylee

Smith Jillian

Tagaram Menitha

Urgiles Lojano Justin

Valenti Gianna

Victori Andrew

Vinas Sarah

Wanco Abigail

Zara Zeus Corvin

Zhu Anna


Aguirre Bella

Akdikmen Selin

Alvarez Mateo

Baez Daniel

Bancea Tyler

Britton Jake

Capozzoli Lucas

Cevallos Alexander

Cuccio Jonathan

Diaz Rosa

Duran Gonzalez Natasha

Economou Nikolette

Gonzalez Amanda

Kaiser Lena

Khan Abdul Rahman

Kurt Nehir

Martinez Austin

Mazza Alivia

McGill Sean

Menne Ronald

Minichiello Gina

Mogrovejo Cortes Juan

Paradiso Talia

Penales Santino Nathaniel

Pennisi Joseph

Rajab Frida

Riccobono Salvatore

Schaffer Maggie

Soliman Devid

Stevens Thomas

Taskin Mustafa

Vera Santiago

Vitelli Vanessa

Third Honors


Auriemma Donovan

Barrero Emily

Caramanna Carmelo

Dates Miros Vienna

DeGuzman Colin-Franz

DelloStritto Isabella

Diaz Sibylla

Fareaux Nicole

Herrera Nathan

Ludwig Brianna

Mallari Alyanna Victoria

Martinez Natalia

Mucci Marissa

Padron Gavin

Smith Gwendolyn

Wohlheter Anthony


Aviles Jerick

Bates Olivia

Cardona Ocampo Melanie

Cue Sarah

DeGennaro Vincent

DiLaura Angelo

Eckert Drew

Gonzalez Nicholas

Ndocaj Luis

Olivero Jake

Paz Lucas

Pozderski Luka

Rivera Damon

Robles Julia

Rodriguez Luis

Shkreli Ellie

Stevens Charles


Acevedo Garcia Emma

Aydelott Ethan

Becerra Brithany

Bugge Quinn

Fiorillo Kaitlyn

Focarino Alyssa

Haines Matthew

Harris Chloe

Hoz Veronica

Leidemer Ryan

Leitch Nicholas

Mendoza Valentina

Murillo Sara

Nicdao-Belleza Peyton

Sanchez Aryana

Terranova Giuliana


Almonte Sanchez Abigail

Bischoff Cayleigh

Bono Frank

Cabral Natalie

Castro Justin

Christopoulos Anna

Connelly Madelyn

DeJesus Christopher

DeSantis Nathan

Galarza Eric

Guido Jenna

Helwa Abdel-Rhman

Jaime Sophia

Keezer Jacquelyn

Krommenhoek Abigail

Mairambekov Batyr

Maucione Gianna

Parise Joseph

Polanco Ephraim

Rizo Nicholas

Roldan Kayleigh

Saltos Ethan

Samperi Matthew

Spittle Logan

Turkmani Nur

Read: Hasbrouck Heights Middle School Announces Honor Roll for the 1st Marking Period of 2023-24

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Editor's Note: All Honors/High Honors information is provided by the Hasbrouck Heights School District. TAPinto is not responsible for any errors or omissions.

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MWW Moves Headquarters to Hasbrouck Heights

MikeWorldWide (MWW), a leading independent public relations agency, has relocated its main New Jersey office to Hasbrouck Heights, reaffirming the global firm’s commitment to the Garden State, where it was founded in 1986. The move from its previous home of 30 years, the Metropolitan Center overlooking MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, accommodates the new workforce environment while maintaining facilities to enhance client service, according to the firm.MWW is the largest, fully integrated public relations and public affairs ...

MikeWorldWide (MWW), a leading independent public relations agency, has relocated its main New Jersey office to Hasbrouck Heights, reaffirming the global firm’s commitment to the Garden State, where it was founded in 1986. The move from its previous home of 30 years, the Metropolitan Center overlooking MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, accommodates the new workforce environment while maintaining facilities to enhance client service, according to the firm.

MWW is the largest, fully integrated public relations and public affairs agency in New Jersey with offices in the heart of Bergen County and Trenton. After a month’s-long, statewide search, the agency chose to keep its main office in the Meadowlands because of the region’s proximity to New Jersey’s economic and population centers as well as its transportation network. The new office is located at 500 Route 17 South in Hasbrouck Heights near Route 46 and I-80.

“While we continue to grow as a firm and extend our national and global reach, we will never forget our roots nor waver in our commitment to New Jersey, where I founded this company more than 35 years ago,” said Michael Kempner, founder and CEO of MikeWorldWide. “Our new office keeps MWW at the center of the action in New Jersey and the greater Metropolitan Area, allowing us to further enhance our client services and attract new talent.”

The Hasbrouck Heights location allows MWW to maintain its high-level of client service while providing employees with added flexibility and opportunities for collaboration. It also reflects the reality of an evolving workforce environment that values work-life balance and connecting people more and more through technology rather than shared office space.

“New Jersey is home to many of our team members as well as clients and some of the largest, most successful brands in the world. We are here to serve them,” said William P. Murray, MWW executive vice president and national director of public affairs. “As is true with many organizations, we have learned since the pandemic to adapt and work differently to get the job done. Embracing remote and hybrid work has led to increased production and employee satisfaction, and many of our clients have opted for virtual rather than in-person meetings to stay connected. Our new Hasbrouck Heights location gives us what we need to support our employees and deliver for our clients.”

In addition to New Jersey offices in Hasbrouck Heights and Trenton, MWW has locations in New York, London, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and Denver.

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