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Medical Weight Loss Injections in Wayne, NJ


Semaglutide Treatment-woman

Medical Weight Loss in Wayne, NJ

Did you know that more than 40% of adults in the United States suffer from obesity? Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure for this condition. Perhaps worse is that more and more adults and children are gaining weight across the country, choosing the convenience of fast and nutrition-deficient foods over healthy eating, exercise, and positive life choices. From an aesthetic standpoint, being overweight is a struggle - clothes don't fit right, people make uncomfortable comments about how you look, and everyday activities are less appealing.

From a health and wellness standpoint, however, being obese is much worse. Your life is literally on the line. The people who love you and depend on you to be in their lives could lose you sooner than you expect. With time, you have a higher chance of suffering from significant, life-changing issues such as:

  • Heart Disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • ED
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Respiratory Issues
  • More

While obesity is a serious problem, a new medication on the market is giving hope to millions of men and women across the U.S. This game-changing treatment is called Semaglutide in Wayne, NJ. This anti-obesity medication is unique because it treats obesity as a chronic metabolic disease, rather than a problem that can be solved through sheer willpower. The best part? Semaglutide and other medical weight-loss peptides are now available at Global Life Rejuvenation.

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Medical Weight Loss from Global Life Rejuvenation

At Global Life Rejuvenation, we understand that losing weight is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Our medical weight loss clinic offers custom medical weight loss plans tailored to your body, rather than plans based solely on your age or weight. In fact, our team of doctors and practitioners provides personalized guidance to help you achieve real results and live a healthier life.

Because the truth is maintaining good health and fitness are crucial in the modern world. Research has shown that viruses and diseases are more likely to affect those who are overweight and unhealthy. At Global Life Rejuvenation, we take a comprehensive, custom approach to medical weight loss that includes peptide therapy and more. We then work with you to make positive lifestyle changes, so you can lose weight, get healthy, and boost your wellbeing permanently - not for a few weeks or months.

Medical Weight Loss

Our medical weight loss plans can include:

Nutrition Guidance

Nutrition Guidance

Peptide Therapy

Peptide Therapy

Hormone Therapy

Hormone Therapy

Biometric Monitoring

Biometric Monitoring

Weight Loss Medications

Weight Loss Medications

Custom Medical Weight Loss Plans

Custom Medical Weight Loss Plans

If you're ready to get back to loving your life with more energy, confidence, and positivity, medical weight loss with peptide therapy may be for you. But to truly understand the benefits of peptides like Semaglutide, it's important you grasp what peptide therapy is and how it benefits your body.

Treatment in Wayne

Treatment in Wayne, NJ

Many individuals turn to peptide therapy to enhance their overall wellbeing by boosting hormones. Different types of peptides can target different areas of health, such as collagen peptides that can help improve skin, hair, and gut health.

Other peptides, such as AOD 9604, CJC 1295, and Semaglutide in Wayne, NJ, are incredibly beneficial for losing weight. Compared to vitamin supplements, peptide therapy works differently as peptides are already part of the proteins in our bodies, making them easier to absorb and benefit from. Conversely, our bodies can sometimes fail to absorb all the nutrients present in multivitamins, leading to their excretion through urine.

However, it's important to note that weight loss is a complex process that involves various factors like age, genetics, lifestyle, exercise, and diet. While peptides like Semaglutide can provide much-needed assistance in achieving your weight loss goals, they are most effective when combined with healthy dietary choices, regular exercise routines, and overall healthier lifestyle choices.

If you've already tried different weight loss plans and diets but haven't had any success, medical weight loss with peptide therapy may provide that extra boost you need to realize your goals.

What is Semaglutide Treatment in Wayne, NJ?

If you're looking to lose weight and keep it off, diet and exercise are important, but it can be difficult to stick to a routine. For busy adults and parents, Semaglutide can be a helpful tool for weight loss. This injection, approved by the FDA for diabetes and obesity, works by stimulating GLP-1 receptors in the brain to aid in weight loss and improve long-term health.

You may be wondering to yourself, "That sounds great, but how does this type of peptide work?" Semaglutide acts like glucagon in your body, which signals to your brain that you're full and don't need to eat anymore. When you take Semaglutide, and you try to overeat, your body waves a proverbial red flag as if to say, "That's enough."

Semaglutide also slows down digestion, reducing unnecessary snacking throughout the day. By reducing glucose spikes after meals, it reduces inflammation, which is important for overall health. Additionally, Semaglutide helps your pancreas secrete insulin, regulates the glucose levels in your body, and even has anti-aging and longevity properties. If you're struggling to lose weight, peptide therapies for weight loss like Semaglutide can be an invaluable addition to your weight loss plan from Global Life Rejuvenation.

What is Treatment in Wayne, NJ?

When combined with healthy lifestyle choices like diet and exercise, Semaglutide can help provide:

  • Long-Term Weight Loss
  • Control of Insulin
  • Reduction in Body Fat
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Lower Cholesterol
  • Reduced Inflammation
Semaglutide can help

Who Should Consider Semaglutide Therapy in Wayne, NJ?

There are multiple medications available to combat obesity by suppressing appetite and promoting weight loss. However, Semaglutide stands out as an exceptional option.

A recent study of 2,000 obese adults examined the effects of Semaglutide when combined with a diet and exercise program. The results were compared to those who only made lifestyle changes without taking Semaglutide. After 68 weeks, it was found that half of the participants using Semaglutide lost 15% of their body weight, with nearly a third losing 20%. In contrast, those who only made lifestyle changes lost an average of 2.4% of their weight.

It's obvious, then, that Semaglutide is a safe and effective supplement for your weight loss journey with Global Life Rejuvenation. But who is the ideal patient who should be taking it?

If you have a body mass index (BMI) of 27kg/m2 or higher and at least one weight-related condition, such as high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol, or if your BMI is 30kg/m2 or higher, the FDA recommends Semaglutide for weight loss.

Semaglutide Therapy

Healthy Eating Tips While Taking Semaglutide

As medical weight loss experts, one thing our doctors and practitioners know at Global Life Rejuvenation is that true weight loss isn't dictated by medicines. It's achieved by sticking to a combo of exercise, healthy life choices, and healthy eating habits. From there, peptides like Semaglutide in Wayne, NJ are great for taking your weight loss efforts to the next level of success.

One area where many patients fail in this process is with their diet. If you're considering Semaglutide treatment, keep these diet tips in mind.

Eat Whole Foods

Eat Whole Foods

To enhance your dietary habits, a practical approach is to concentrate on consuming whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. These food items are rich in nutrients and can provide a feeling of fullness and satisfaction while also promoting your overall wellbeing.

Be Mindful When You Eat

Be Mindful When You Eat

Eating mindfully involves being fully present and engaged during meals. This entails taking the time to enjoy the flavor of your food, being aware of your body's hunger and fullness signals, and avoiding distractions like electronics or television.

Keep Your Body Hydrated

Keep Your Body Hydrated

To maintain good health and support weight loss, it's crucial to drink plenty of water. It's recommended to drink at least 8-10 cups of water daily. You may also try adding low-calorie drinks like herbal tea or infused water to keep things interesting.


Use Meal Prepping to Your Advantage

Planning your meals in advance is an effective approach to maintaining a healthy diet. Set aside some time each week to plan your meals and snacks, keeping in mind to incorporate a balance of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. This will prevent impulsive food choices and guarantee that you have nutritious options available when hunger strikes.

Other Peptide Therapies and Medicines for Medical Weight Loss in Wayne, NJ

Unlike many medical weight loss clinics, which only offer cookie-cutter weight loss plans and one or two additional fat-busting solutions, Global Life Rejuvenation provides access to new, innovative supplements and medicines. If you're used to fad diets and "quick" weight loss plans, peptides like AOD 9604 and others may be new to you. To help build your foundation of healthy living knowledge, let's take a look at a few of the most popular weight-loss peptides and medicines available at Global Life Rejuvenation.

AOD 9604 for Weight Loss

AOD 9604 for Weight Loss

Often combined with Semaglutide regimens, AOD 9604 is known to promote fat breakdown, inhibit lipogenesis, and support tendons and cartilage. However, most recently, it has gained popularity due to its ability to boost metabolism and aid in burning fat.

What sets AOD 9604 apart is that it stimulates the pituitary gland without affecting tissue growth or blood sugar levels. Additionally, it can burn fat without causing overeating, making it a viable option for obese men and women who are trying to implement better eating habits.

Interestingly, AOD 9604 activates your body's fat-burning processes without requiring an HGH receptor. It also releases obese fat cells and reduces the accumulation of new fat cells. By helping to regulate blood sugar and manage insulin levels, AOD 9604 is excellent for weight loss but also for other maladies like inflammation.

Some conditions that this powerful peptide can help address include the following:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Damaged Cartilage
  • Arthritis
CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin for Weight Loss

CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin for Weight Loss

This medical weight loss supplement Is technically a combo of two peptides. These substances work by stimulating your pituitary gland to produce more of your body's natural human growth hormone, which is secreted during both waking and sleeping periods.

This results in increased protein synthesis and levels of insulin-like growth factors. As hormone secretagogues, they help release hormones into circulation while mimicking the pituitary gland's production. Extensive research has been conducted on the effects of CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin. As a tool for medical weight loss, it has shown very promising results.

That's because when growth hormone levels increase, nutrients are transported through the body faster, more fat is burned, and weight management becomes simpler. Additionally, because CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin increase the amount of growth hormone in your body, it stimulates the breakdown of triglycerides in adipocytes, leading to improved fat metabolism and reduced abdominal fat.

Benefits of CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin for weight loss include:

  • Weight Loss
  • Reduction in Body Fat
  • Boosted Metabolism
  • More Energy
  • Enhanced Immune System
  • More
MIC Injections for Weight Loss

MIC Injections for Weight Loss

A Methionine Inositol Choline (MIC) injection is a mixture of lipotropics that aid in fat breakdown. The key components - methionine, inositol, and choline - work together to metabolize fat cells and eliminate stored fat deposits in the liver and body. Methionine is an important amino acid, inositol contributes to proper cell formation, and choline is a water-soluble nutrient that promotes healthy liver function. When combined, these compounds may help reduce body fat.

When used in conjunction with a medical weight loss plan from Global Life Rejuvenation, MIC injections can be a powerful addition to reclaiming your health and wellbeing.

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Phentermine for Weight Loss

Like other weight loss peptides and medicines on this page, Phentermine can help you lose weight when you stick to a medical weight loss plan that includes dieting, exercise, and smart life choices. It does so by reducing your appetite, which limits the number of calories you eat every day.

As is the case with Semaglutide, Phentermine has been approved by the FDA and is supported by clinical studies that show it can support weight loss. With time, patience, and healthy living, this supplement may help you reach your wellness goals sooner than you thought possible.

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Phentermine for Weight Loss

7-Keto DHEA for Weight Loss

In the body, 7-keto-DHEA is produced from dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), which is a hormone made by glands near your kidneys. However, unlike DHEA, 7-keto-DHEA is not converted into androgen and estrogen in your body. Instead, 7-keto-DHEA is used orally or topically to boost your body's metabolism. It also helps convert more of your energy into heat, instead of storing it in your body as fat, which can accumulate with time and lifestyle choices.

Much like Semaglutide treatment in Wayne, NJ, 7-keto-DHEA has been shown to be very effective for weight loss as well as a host of other issues. Additional benefits of taking 7-keto-DHEA may include the following:

  • Weight Loss
  • Improvement to Lean Muscle Mass
  • Boosted Thyroid Activity
  • Enhanced Memory
  • Anti-Aging Treatment
  • Better Memory

Lipo Scuplt Cream

Have you tried everything under the sun to try and eliminate the cellulite on your legs, arms, and other areas of your body? If you're like most people, getting rid of cellulite isn't just difficult - it's nearly impossible. Fortunately, those days are over. Lipo Sculpt Cream from Global Life Rejuvenation can help reduce the unsightly appearance of cellulite while also refining your figure and firming up your skin.

The active ingredients in this product have the ability to reduce and prevent the growth of fatty tissue while also improving microcirculation. They work together to treat both adipose and aqueous cellulite, and aid in the elimination of fatty deposits and excess water stored in the tissues. This results in a reduction of dimples and an overall improvement in the appearance of your skin.

If you have experienced success with a medical weight loss plan and reached your target weight but still suffer from cellulite, Lipo Sculpt Cream is a fantastic choice to consider. A few of the most common benefits include:

  • Anti-Cellulite Properties Reduce Cellulite and Smooth Skin Dimples
  • Slimming Effect for Reducing Thigh and Waist Circumference
  • Leaves Your Skin Feeling Firm and Healthy
Lipo Scuplt Cream

Health and Wellness Begin with Medical Weight Loss from Global Life Rejuvenation

Are you craving a productive life at a healthy weight? Are you ready to make a meaningful difference in your life and the lives of your loved ones? The pathway to wellbeing starts by contacting our office for an in-depth consultation, where we'll learn more about your weight-loss goals and needs.

From there, we'll create a custom weight-loss plan tailored to your body. This plan will map out the steps of your weight-loss journey, including peptide therapies like Semaglutide in Wayne, NJ. Though every person's weight management goals are different, when you're a patient at Global Life Rejuvenation, you benefit from dedicated doctors and practitioners committed to improving your weight and, in turn, your health.

Whether your health is on the line, or you don't like how being overweight makes you look and feel, our team is ready to guide you toward long-term health and happiness. This way, you can get healthy, stay in shape, and fall in love with your newfound body.

phone-numberCall Us 866.793.9933

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Latest News in Wayne, NJ

Wayne shutters restaurant for 'heavy presence of flies,' 'strong odors' and more

2-minute readWAYNE — A fast-food franchisee that was already mired in bankruptcy court left its deteriorating restaurant open for months until health officials stepped in to shut it down.The Burger King and Popeyes drive-thru restaurant at 1046 Hamburg Turnpike ceased operations in November after numerous violations were found related to food safety and, as stated in a health inspection report, “overall deteriorating conditions” of the building itself.Mary Ann Orapello, the township hea...

2-minute read

WAYNE — A fast-food franchisee that was already mired in bankruptcy court left its deteriorating restaurant open for months until health officials stepped in to shut it down.

The Burger King and Popeyes drive-thru restaurant at 1046 Hamburg Turnpike ceased operations in November after numerous violations were found related to food safety and, as stated in a health inspection report, “overall deteriorating conditions” of the building itself.

Mary Ann Orapello, the township health officer, said Thursday that the business remains closed.

“Should they decide to reopen,” she said, “we’ll definitely be reinspecting them.”

Health officials visited the business for a routine inspection in May 2023, and its evaluation was “conditionally satisfactory.”

LEISURE PURSUITS:Largest indoor pickleball center in NJ coming to Willowbrook Plaza in Wayne

However, public documents suggest the restaurant was neglected in the ensuing months.

At the November 2023 inspection, health officials found an “accumulation of dust, food splatter and spilled oil.” There was also a “heavy presence of flies,” plus broken light fixtures, faulty sinks, holes in the wall, missing ceiling tiles and roof leaks.

The inspector noted that, on the Burger King side of the restaurant, the leaks trickled directly into cooking oil in a deep fryer and onto a table where meals were prepared.

“Roof water was observed splashing onto and contaminating foods,” the inspector wrote during a nearly three-hour visit.

A different inspector simultaneously examined the adjacent Popeyes, where further violations were discovered.

Inspection notes describe a container of “old grease” dripping on the floor of a room where food and utensils were stored. The ooze was an inch deep, the report said.

An “egg mixture” was kept at 54 degrees Fahrenheit, the inspector found, noting a violation of the state code that requires “potentially hazardous food” to be stored in a refrigerator at retail establishments.

The inspectors found 28 violations of the state code — 11 for Burger King and 17 for Popeyes — during the November visit.

No one reported a foodborne illness to the Health Department before the restaurant was forced to close, Orapello said.

Less than two weeks later, the restaurant manager scheduled a reinspection. A report detailing that visit indicated the situation only worsened as mouse droppings were found with “strong sewage-like odors” throughout the premises.

Story continues below map.

The franchisee, JFM Hamburg, a Paterson-based limited liability company, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in January 2023.

It owed more than $480,000 in combined debts and obligations to 22 creditors, according to its filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Newark.

John DiIorio, an attorney representing the company in the bankruptcy case, did not respond to an inquiry about the health officials’ findings.

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Court records show that, in August, a judge approved JFM Hamburg to sell its assets and business interests to PN Restaurants, a Rutherford-based limited liability company, for $1.2 million.

But that deal fell through last week, court records show, when the buyer’s investors “backed out of the transaction.”

Philip DeVencentis is a local reporter for NorthJersey.com. For unlimited access to the most important news from your local community, please subscribe or activate your digital account today.

Aldi, a fast-growing German grocer, to open a location in Wayne

1-minute read...

1-minute read

WAYNE — Aldi, the discount grocer founded in Germany, will open a supermarket on Hamburg Turnpike.

The store will anchor Plaza Square Shopping Center, taking up 42,816 square feet where a ShopRite had been until it moved to Wayne Hills Mall in October 2021.

Regency Centers Corp., a Florida-based real estate company that owns the shopping center, announced the opening on its website.

'I CAN'T SEE IT GO':Wayne diner to permanently close its doors this weekend, owner says

Neither Aldi nor the landlord responded to an inquiry about an opening date.

In September 2022, the Planning Board approved a proposal by Regency Centers to reconstruct the facade of the former ShopRite and to divide its floor area into two storefronts. At the time, the new anchor tenant was not identified.

The smaller storefront is 16,045 square feet, and it remains vacant. In fact, more than 43% of the leasable space at the shopping center is empty or will be soon.

But a recent improvement to Hamburg Turnpike has enabled smoother access for westbound motorists, who would otherwise have to make U-turns at the Valley Road jughandle.

Story continues below map.

A traffic light was installed at the shopping center entrance to allow left turns into and out of the parking lot. Another convenience was the addition of a sidewalk for pedestrians on Hamburg Turnpike.

Mayor Christopher Vergano said Wednesday that Amazon Fresh, a subsidiary of the e-commerce giant, was originally planned to assume the anchor position at the shopping center. But the company reportedly shelved future development of its grocery chain.

Aldi, whose U.S. headquarters is in Illinois, about an hour west of Chicago, operates 61 markets in New Jersey. Its location nearest to the new store is in a former Office Depot store on Route 46 west in Totowa.

Philip DeVencentis is a local reporter for NorthJersey.com. For unlimited access to the most important news from your local community, please subscribe or activate your digital account today.

The Wayne Valley Athlete of the Month for April 2024

Brought to you by:WAYNE, NJ – This spring, Ava Maher is playing two sports simultaneously and playing them both exceptionally well, helping the girls track & field and flag football teams off to great starts. Her natural athleticism, her drive to constantly improve, as well as her production in both sports, are what earned her the title of Wayne Valley’s Athlete of the Month for April 2024.Sign Up for FREE Wayne NewsletterGet local news you can trust in your inbox....

Brought to you by:

WAYNE, NJ – This spring, Ava Maher is playing two sports simultaneously and playing them both exceptionally well, helping the girls track & field and flag football teams off to great starts. Her natural athleticism, her drive to constantly improve, as well as her production in both sports, are what earned her the title of Wayne Valley’s Athlete of the Month for April 2024.

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In the month of April, Maher was undefeated in three 400m hurdle races, three 100m hurdle events and the two times she ran the 800 meters. She set her personal best in the high jump, clearing five-feet, and, her team participated in the Passaic County Relay Championships in mid-April, where Maher anchored the winning sprint medley relay and the 4x400 meter relay teams. In the Season Opener Invitational in early April, Maher anchored another winning sprint medley relay, and anchored the winning 4x400 relay in a match against Wayne Hills that month as well.

Wayne Valley's Ava Maher Leaping the Hurdles - Photo by Doug Flower

The biggest track event on the East Coast is the world-famous Penn-Relays, held at the University of Pennsylvania every year and the Wayne Valley Indians came to run. Maher anchored both of Valley's 4x100 and 4x400 relay teams at this prestigious event, helping to set the school's best times in over 10 years in both events.

Valley head girls track & field coach Erik Schulman called Maher “super-talented,” an athlete who is “never satisfied,” and someone “works hard every single day” to improve.

“Ava sets a great example for the other girls on the team,” he said. “Training for Track and Field can be super-hard, but Ava never complains. She embraces the difficulty because she knows it will make her better, and now she is one of the best.”

As the Wayne Valley Athlete of the Month, Maher has earned some prizes from generous local businesses. The Bagel Stop has a $10 gift card for her; Neil’s Pizza is offering a $20 gift card, and the Village Inn has a $25 gift card as a prize for each Valley athlete of the month.

On the flag football team, Maher has had 21 flag pulls (tackles), three interceptions, 17 receptions for 172 receiving yards, 43 rushing yards and six total touchdowns in six games played in April, helping the Indians to a division-leading 5-0-1 record.

Surrounded by Clifton Defenders, Ava Maher Makes the Reception - Photo by John Testa

“Ava is a first-year player who has come onto the scene and made a statement,” said Valley flag football head coach Andrew Imperatore. “She is the anchor to our defense and gives us another weapon on offense with her speed and catching ability.”

The Valley flag football defense that she “anchors” has been stellar, allowing only three touchdowns in six games (and only one extra point), and they have recorded three shutouts. Maher’s three interceptions leads the team, and she is second on the team with her 21 flag-pulls.

“Ava picked up the game quickly and is extremely coachable, taking criticism and putting it on the field to make her game better each week,” said Imperatore. “She’s a huge difference-maker for our team on the field.”

Valley's Ava Maher, Looking to Score - Photo by John Testa

Athletic Director for the Wayne Schools, Dave “Droz” Drozjock called Maher a “tremendous athlete,” and also a “great person, who always puts her teammates' best interests first.”

“Ava runs with passion in track & field and will do whichever event is needed to help her team score points,” added Droz. “When Ava plays flag football she dominates both sides of the ball and continues to make one amazing play after another. Ava is so fun to watch and loves competing in everything she does, including her schoolwork, where she has a 4.12 GPA. We're so proud of everything Ava has accomplished and looking forward to her end of the season triumphs.”

An Athlete of the Month recognition automatically qualifies the winner for the TAPinto Wayne - Rocco Sivolella Athlete of the Year Scholarship Awards Dinner that will be held on June 17, 2024, at 6:00pm at the Barnyard & Carriage House.

There, each AotM will be in the running for $8,000 in scholarships that will be awarded that night. These scholarship awards will be donated by the Wayne Surgical Center, Conan Ward and OrthoEast along with the Rocco Sivolella Scholarship fund.

Click Here to learn more about the Athlete of the Year program: Who Will Be Wayne’s Public High School Athlete of the Year?

Board Vote On Wayne Schools Budget, Tax Levy Increase Set For Thursday

WAYNE, NJ — The Wayne Township Schools Board of Education meets on Thursday to approve next year's budget after what officials called a "concerning" and tight planning cycle.Residents can comment on the $190.8 million spending plan at a public hearing which is scheduled during Thursday's meeting. The proposed budget includes a 2.48 percent property tax increase, and officials s...

WAYNE, NJ — The Wayne Township Schools Board of Education meets on Thursday to approve next year's budget after what officials called a "concerning" and tight planning cycle.

Residents can comment on the $190.8 million spending plan at a public hearing which is scheduled during Thursday's meeting. The proposed budget includes a 2.48 percent property tax increase, and officials said the estimated impact for a home assessed at the average value would be $204 per year.

The board will meet in executive session at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday before the regular meeting begins at 7 p.m. It will be held in the council chambers at the Wayne Township Municipal Building.

Board officials said they did not have much "wiggle room" in drafting next year's budget, and mentioned that cuts to programs are possible, to make ends meet. For example, renovations to the next-generation science labs at both high schools would be put on pause while the district re-directs those funds to more pressing needs.

School officials said they needed to account for increasing staff salaries and benefits for the 2024/25 fiscal year budget, as well as support for special education students and related student transportation costs.

Find out what's happening in Waynewith free, real-time updates from Patch.

View the preliminary district budget presentation here.

Voters shut down a referendum in March that would have helped fund 63 projects across all 15 buildings.

School Business Administrator William Moffitt said the district is looking at a new, smaller referendum asking to issue $100 million in bonds; this would represent a property tax increase of $217 a year for a property assessed at Wayne's average ($230,435, a slight increase).

A large chunk of the new referendum (44.8M) could be allocated to expanding the Preakness Early Childhood Center, according to a presentation on April 4.

Other improvements that may be funded by a new referendum include new security vestibules at the elementary schools, replacing the bleachers at Wayne Valley and Wayne Hills High Schools, and various HVAC upgrades and partial roof replacements.

The timeline for a new referendum could take 12-13 months.

Largest indoor pickleball center in NJ coming to Willowbrook Plaza in Wayne

2-minute readWAYNE — A Long Island-based owner of gyms and racket clubs will open the largest indoor facility dedicated to pickleball in New Jersey at a local shopping center next year, the company said.The 50,000-square-foot arena will offer 20 courts, including a stadium-style court, on the third floor of Willowbrook Plaza, at 77 Willowbrook Blvd. It will be big enoug...

2-minute read

WAYNE — A Long Island-based owner of gyms and racket clubs will open the largest indoor facility dedicated to pickleball in New Jersey at a local shopping center next year, the company said.

The 50,000-square-foot arena will offer 20 courts, including a stadium-style court, on the third floor of Willowbrook Plaza, at 77 Willowbrook Blvd. It will be big enough to host national tournaments, and it will have a concession stand and space for corporate events.

Sportime Clubs, headquartered 51 miles east of Manhattan, announced the new club in a statement released Tuesday. It is expected to open in the spring of 2025.

Claude Okin, the chief executive officer of Sportime Clubs, said the facility will serve “ever-growing masses of pickleball lovers” and many others who will join “those legions” in the coming years. “We’re proud to be a racket sports leader in our region since 1994,” he said.

The Wayne facility is part of an expansion of operations for Sportime Clubs, which also announced this week that it will open 13 pickleball courts at Merrick Avenue Athletic Center, a multisport complex in Westbury, New York.

The company hopes to have at least a dozen pickleball centers open by the end of 2027.

Story continues below map.

Pickleball, invented by three men from Bainbridge Island, Washington, almost 60 years ago, is played on a 20-foot-by-44-foot court — the same dimensions as a badminton court — with a perforated plastic ball and wooden paddles.

The popularity of the sport is soaring.

According to U.S.A. Pickleball, a nonprofit and the national governing body of the sport, the number of known places to play in the country is 11,864 — including an increase of 1,140 locations last year. There are an estimated 8.9 million players vying for court time.

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New Jersey is ranked 19th out of all states, the organization said, with 211 places to play and 951 total courts.

Philip DeVencentis is a local reporter for NorthJersey.com. For unlimited access to the most important news from your local community, please subscribe or activate your digital account today.


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