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Medical Weight Loss Injections in Nutley, NJ


Semaglutide Treatment-woman

Medical Weight Loss in Nutley, NJ

Did you know that more than 40% of adults in the United States suffer from obesity? Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure for this condition. Perhaps worse is that more and more adults and children are gaining weight across the country, choosing the convenience of fast and nutrition-deficient foods over healthy eating, exercise, and positive life choices. From an aesthetic standpoint, being overweight is a struggle - clothes don't fit right, people make uncomfortable comments about how you look, and everyday activities are less appealing.

From a health and wellness standpoint, however, being obese is much worse. Your life is literally on the line. The people who love you and depend on you to be in their lives could lose you sooner than you expect. With time, you have a higher chance of suffering from significant, life-changing issues such as:

  • Heart Disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • ED
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Respiratory Issues
  • More

While obesity is a serious problem, a new medication on the market is giving hope to millions of men and women across the U.S. This game-changing treatment is called Semaglutide in Nutley, NJ. This anti-obesity medication is unique because it treats obesity as a chronic metabolic disease, rather than a problem that can be solved through sheer willpower. The best part? Semaglutide and other medical weight-loss peptides are now available at Global Life Rejuvenation.

Service Areas

Medical Weight Loss from Global Life Rejuvenation

At Global Life Rejuvenation, we understand that losing weight is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Our medical weight loss clinic offers custom medical weight loss plans tailored to your body, rather than plans based solely on your age or weight. In fact, our team of doctors and practitioners provides personalized guidance to help you achieve real results and live a healthier life.

Because the truth is maintaining good health and fitness are crucial in the modern world. Research has shown that viruses and diseases are more likely to affect those who are overweight and unhealthy. At Global Life Rejuvenation, we take a comprehensive, custom approach to medical weight loss that includes peptide therapy and more. We then work with you to make positive lifestyle changes, so you can lose weight, get healthy, and boost your wellbeing permanently - not for a few weeks or months.

Medical Weight Loss

Our medical weight loss plans can include:

Nutrition Guidance

Nutrition Guidance

Peptide Therapy

Peptide Therapy

Hormone Therapy

Hormone Therapy

Biometric Monitoring

Biometric Monitoring

Weight Loss Medications

Weight Loss Medications

Custom Medical Weight Loss Plans

Custom Medical Weight Loss Plans

If you're ready to get back to loving your life with more energy, confidence, and positivity, medical weight loss with peptide therapy may be for you. But to truly understand the benefits of peptides like Semaglutide, it's important you grasp what peptide therapy is and how it benefits your body.

Treatment in Nutley

Treatment in Nutley, NJ

Many individuals turn to peptide therapy to enhance their overall wellbeing by boosting hormones. Different types of peptides can target different areas of health, such as collagen peptides that can help improve skin, hair, and gut health.

Other peptides, such as AOD 9604, CJC 1295, and Semaglutide in Nutley, NJ, are incredibly beneficial for losing weight. Compared to vitamin supplements, peptide therapy works differently as peptides are already part of the proteins in our bodies, making them easier to absorb and benefit from. Conversely, our bodies can sometimes fail to absorb all the nutrients present in multivitamins, leading to their excretion through urine.

However, it's important to note that weight loss is a complex process that involves various factors like age, genetics, lifestyle, exercise, and diet. While peptides like Semaglutide can provide much-needed assistance in achieving your weight loss goals, they are most effective when combined with healthy dietary choices, regular exercise routines, and overall healthier lifestyle choices.

If you've already tried different weight loss plans and diets but haven't had any success, medical weight loss with peptide therapy may provide that extra boost you need to realize your goals.

What is Semaglutide Treatment in Nutley, NJ?

If you're looking to lose weight and keep it off, diet and exercise are important, but it can be difficult to stick to a routine. For busy adults and parents, Semaglutide can be a helpful tool for weight loss. This injection, approved by the FDA for diabetes and obesity, works by stimulating GLP-1 receptors in the brain to aid in weight loss and improve long-term health.

You may be wondering to yourself, "That sounds great, but how does this type of peptide work?" Semaglutide acts like glucagon in your body, which signals to your brain that you're full and don't need to eat anymore. When you take Semaglutide, and you try to overeat, your body waves a proverbial red flag as if to say, "That's enough."

Semaglutide also slows down digestion, reducing unnecessary snacking throughout the day. By reducing glucose spikes after meals, it reduces inflammation, which is important for overall health. Additionally, Semaglutide helps your pancreas secrete insulin, regulates the glucose levels in your body, and even has anti-aging and longevity properties. If you're struggling to lose weight, peptide therapies for weight loss like Semaglutide can be an invaluable addition to your weight loss plan from Global Life Rejuvenation.

What is Treatment in Nutley, NJ?

When combined with healthy lifestyle choices like diet and exercise, Semaglutide can help provide:

  • Long-Term Weight Loss
  • Control of Insulin
  • Reduction in Body Fat
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Lower Cholesterol
  • Reduced Inflammation
Semaglutide can help

Who Should Consider Semaglutide Therapy in Nutley, NJ?

There are multiple medications available to combat obesity by suppressing appetite and promoting weight loss. However, Semaglutide stands out as an exceptional option.

A recent study of 2,000 obese adults examined the effects of Semaglutide when combined with a diet and exercise program. The results were compared to those who only made lifestyle changes without taking Semaglutide. After 68 weeks, it was found that half of the participants using Semaglutide lost 15% of their body weight, with nearly a third losing 20%. In contrast, those who only made lifestyle changes lost an average of 2.4% of their weight.

It's obvious, then, that Semaglutide is a safe and effective supplement for your weight loss journey with Global Life Rejuvenation. But who is the ideal patient who should be taking it?

If you have a body mass index (BMI) of 27kg/m2 or higher and at least one weight-related condition, such as high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol, or if your BMI is 30kg/m2 or higher, the FDA recommends Semaglutide for weight loss.

Semaglutide Therapy

Healthy Eating Tips While Taking Semaglutide

As medical weight loss experts, one thing our doctors and practitioners know at Global Life Rejuvenation is that true weight loss isn't dictated by medicines. It's achieved by sticking to a combo of exercise, healthy life choices, and healthy eating habits. From there, peptides like Semaglutide in Nutley, NJ are great for taking your weight loss efforts to the next level of success.

One area where many patients fail in this process is with their diet. If you're considering Semaglutide treatment, keep these diet tips in mind.

Eat Whole Foods

Eat Whole Foods

To enhance your dietary habits, a practical approach is to concentrate on consuming whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. These food items are rich in nutrients and can provide a feeling of fullness and satisfaction while also promoting your overall wellbeing.

Be Mindful When You Eat

Be Mindful When You Eat

Eating mindfully involves being fully present and engaged during meals. This entails taking the time to enjoy the flavor of your food, being aware of your body's hunger and fullness signals, and avoiding distractions like electronics or television.

Keep Your Body Hydrated

Keep Your Body Hydrated

To maintain good health and support weight loss, it's crucial to drink plenty of water. It's recommended to drink at least 8-10 cups of water daily. You may also try adding low-calorie drinks like herbal tea or infused water to keep things interesting.


Use Meal Prepping to Your Advantage

Planning your meals in advance is an effective approach to maintaining a healthy diet. Set aside some time each week to plan your meals and snacks, keeping in mind to incorporate a balance of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. This will prevent impulsive food choices and guarantee that you have nutritious options available when hunger strikes.

Other Peptide Therapies and Medicines for Medical Weight Loss in Nutley, NJ

Unlike many medical weight loss clinics, which only offer cookie-cutter weight loss plans and one or two additional fat-busting solutions, Global Life Rejuvenation provides access to new, innovative supplements and medicines. If you're used to fad diets and "quick" weight loss plans, peptides like AOD 9604 and others may be new to you. To help build your foundation of healthy living knowledge, let's take a look at a few of the most popular weight-loss peptides and medicines available at Global Life Rejuvenation.

AOD 9604 for Weight Loss

AOD 9604 for Weight Loss

Often combined with Semaglutide regimens, AOD 9604 is known to promote fat breakdown, inhibit lipogenesis, and support tendons and cartilage. However, most recently, it has gained popularity due to its ability to boost metabolism and aid in burning fat.

What sets AOD 9604 apart is that it stimulates the pituitary gland without affecting tissue growth or blood sugar levels. Additionally, it can burn fat without causing overeating, making it a viable option for obese men and women who are trying to implement better eating habits.

Interestingly, AOD 9604 activates your body's fat-burning processes without requiring an HGH receptor. It also releases obese fat cells and reduces the accumulation of new fat cells. By helping to regulate blood sugar and manage insulin levels, AOD 9604 is excellent for weight loss but also for other maladies like inflammation.

Some conditions that this powerful peptide can help address include the following:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Damaged Cartilage
  • Arthritis
CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin for Weight Loss

CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin for Weight Loss

This medical weight loss supplement Is technically a combo of two peptides. These substances work by stimulating your pituitary gland to produce more of your body's natural human growth hormone, which is secreted during both waking and sleeping periods.

This results in increased protein synthesis and levels of insulin-like growth factors. As hormone secretagogues, they help release hormones into circulation while mimicking the pituitary gland's production. Extensive research has been conducted on the effects of CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin. As a tool for medical weight loss, it has shown very promising results.

That's because when growth hormone levels increase, nutrients are transported through the body faster, more fat is burned, and weight management becomes simpler. Additionally, because CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin increase the amount of growth hormone in your body, it stimulates the breakdown of triglycerides in adipocytes, leading to improved fat metabolism and reduced abdominal fat.

Benefits of CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin for weight loss include:

  • Weight Loss
  • Reduction in Body Fat
  • Boosted Metabolism
  • More Energy
  • Enhanced Immune System
  • More
MIC Injections for Weight Loss

MIC Injections for Weight Loss

A Methionine Inositol Choline (MIC) injection is a mixture of lipotropics that aid in fat breakdown. The key components - methionine, inositol, and choline - work together to metabolize fat cells and eliminate stored fat deposits in the liver and body. Methionine is an important amino acid, inositol contributes to proper cell formation, and choline is a water-soluble nutrient that promotes healthy liver function. When combined, these compounds may help reduce body fat.

When used in conjunction with a medical weight loss plan from Global Life Rejuvenation, MIC injections can be a powerful addition to reclaiming your health and wellbeing.

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Phentermine for Weight Loss

Like other weight loss peptides and medicines on this page, Phentermine can help you lose weight when you stick to a medical weight loss plan that includes dieting, exercise, and smart life choices. It does so by reducing your appetite, which limits the number of calories you eat every day.

As is the case with Semaglutide, Phentermine has been approved by the FDA and is supported by clinical studies that show it can support weight loss. With time, patience, and healthy living, this supplement may help you reach your wellness goals sooner than you thought possible.

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Phentermine for Weight Loss

7-Keto DHEA for Weight Loss

In the body, 7-keto-DHEA is produced from dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), which is a hormone made by glands near your kidneys. However, unlike DHEA, 7-keto-DHEA is not converted into androgen and estrogen in your body. Instead, 7-keto-DHEA is used orally or topically to boost your body's metabolism. It also helps convert more of your energy into heat, instead of storing it in your body as fat, which can accumulate with time and lifestyle choices.

Much like Semaglutide treatment in Nutley, NJ, 7-keto-DHEA has been shown to be very effective for weight loss as well as a host of other issues. Additional benefits of taking 7-keto-DHEA may include the following:

  • Weight Loss
  • Improvement to Lean Muscle Mass
  • Boosted Thyroid Activity
  • Enhanced Memory
  • Anti-Aging Treatment
  • Better Memory

Lipo Scuplt Cream

Have you tried everything under the sun to try and eliminate the cellulite on your legs, arms, and other areas of your body? If you're like most people, getting rid of cellulite isn't just difficult - it's nearly impossible. Fortunately, those days are over. Lipo Sculpt Cream from Global Life Rejuvenation can help reduce the unsightly appearance of cellulite while also refining your figure and firming up your skin.

The active ingredients in this product have the ability to reduce and prevent the growth of fatty tissue while also improving microcirculation. They work together to treat both adipose and aqueous cellulite, and aid in the elimination of fatty deposits and excess water stored in the tissues. This results in a reduction of dimples and an overall improvement in the appearance of your skin.

If you have experienced success with a medical weight loss plan and reached your target weight but still suffer from cellulite, Lipo Sculpt Cream is a fantastic choice to consider. A few of the most common benefits include:

  • Anti-Cellulite Properties Reduce Cellulite and Smooth Skin Dimples
  • Slimming Effect for Reducing Thigh and Waist Circumference
  • Leaves Your Skin Feeling Firm and Healthy
Lipo Scuplt Cream

Health and Wellness Begin with Medical Weight Loss from Global Life Rejuvenation

Are you craving a productive life at a healthy weight? Are you ready to make a meaningful difference in your life and the lives of your loved ones? The pathway to wellbeing starts by contacting our office for an in-depth consultation, where we'll learn more about your weight-loss goals and needs.

From there, we'll create a custom weight-loss plan tailored to your body. This plan will map out the steps of your weight-loss journey, including peptide therapies like Semaglutide in Nutley, NJ. Though every person's weight management goals are different, when you're a patient at Global Life Rejuvenation, you benefit from dedicated doctors and practitioners committed to improving your weight and, in turn, your health.

Whether your health is on the line, or you don't like how being overweight makes you look and feel, our team is ready to guide you toward long-term health and happiness. This way, you can get healthy, stay in shape, and fall in love with your newfound body.

phone-numberCall Us 866.793.9933

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Latest News in Nutley, NJ

Nutley School Finance Probe Continues, But Scope Remains Unclear

The district will maintain all vital academic and extracurricular programs despite its financial issues, a Nutley school official said.Patch StaffNUTLEY, NJ — An investigation surrounding “financial issues” in the Nutley Public School District continues, but details about the nature of the problem – and the potential scope – remain unclear.Despite assura...

The district will maintain all vital academic and extracurricular programs despite its financial issues, a Nutley school official said.

Patch Staff

NUTLEY, NJ — An investigation surrounding “financial issues” in the Nutley Public School District continues, but details about the nature of the problem – and the potential scope – remain unclear.

Despite assurances from school administrators that the district “has the financial capacity to operate in the short and long-term,” rumors continue to fly about the situation online due to the lack of information that has made available so far.

The Nutley Board of Education and Superintendent Kent Bania first released a message to the school community about the situation on March 19. It read:

“Recently, the Nutley Board of Education learned of factors impacting the finances of the Nutley Public Schools. The district took immediate action and has employed the help of professionals who specialize in this area. In addition, the district is working closely with the county offices of the New Jersey Department of Education to come to a resolution. The Nutley Public District is committed to the education of its students and will continue to manage this matter. The district does not anticipate a change in the programs or the education of the students of Nutley. We thank you for your support and patience as we work through this period. The district and board of education will continue to communicate with you as more information is available.”

District administrators followed up with an update on March 22. It read:

“As you may be aware, the district recently learned important information pertaining to the finances of the district. Upon learning this information, district officials reported the financial concerns to the appropriate State officials and the New Jersey Department of Education. The district is working closely with state officials to resolve our current financial issues. There is much misinformation in the community regarding the financial condition of the district. Please be assured that the district currently has the financial capacity to operate in the short and long term. The district is committed to maintaining the high quality of education in the Nutley Public Schools. It is important to prioritize our students' learning and care. We are committed to the education of our students, and will work through these challenges to support our educational community. As this situation continues to unfold, we will communicate with you on a regular basis.”

The issue came up again during the board of education meeting on March 25 (watch the video below).

Find out what's happening in Belleville-Nutleywith free, real-time updates from Patch.

“When the district first became aware of the gravity and complexity of the current financial situation through the auditor's report, it sparked deep concern among the administration and board,” president Salvatore Ferraro said.

“Recognizing the seriousness of the matter, we immediately took deliberate and essential steps to fully grasp the situation and begin working towards a resolution,” Ferraro continued.

District officials “promptly” communicated the financial concerns to the appropriate state authorities and the New Jersey Department of Education, he said.

“We understand and share the community's concerns and recognize the urgent need for transparency,” Ferraro said. “We are fully committed to providing updates and information as soon as they become available, and we will continue to collaborate closely with state officials throughout this process.”

“The board is mindful of the rumors and speculation circulating in the community regarding this situation,” Ferraro added. “We urge caution and empathy as we navigate the uncertainties of the coming weeks.”

Bania also spoke at the March 25 meeting, saying that the district is planning on maintaining all vital academic and extracurricular programs.

“Our commitment to providing the best education for our students remains unwavering, and we are acutely aware of the need to ensure minimal disruption to their daily routines,” the superintendent said. “We are fully dedicated to maintaining all vital academic and extracurricular programs, including athletics, our esteemed music program, extended day services, and all other ongoing activities.”

“As always, we are planning to host our spring events, including field days, year-end concerts, picnics, student celebrations, and our valued promotions and high school graduation ceremonies, in the cherished Nutley tradition,” Bania said.

Nutley school officials said further communications on the issue will be posted to the district website.

Send local news tips and correction requests to [email protected]. Learn more about advertising on Patch here. Find out how to post announcements or events to your local Patch site. Don’t forget to visit the Patch Belleville-Nutley Facebook page.

US News Released High School Rankings including Nutley

NUTLEY, NJ - US News national list of "2024 Best High Schools" list was published early Tuesday morning - where did Nutley land?Rankings released by U.S. News and World Report on Tuesday, April 23, put Nutley High School at 160th in the statewide rankings which are based on standardized test scores for the 2021-22 academic year.Nutley High School students have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement® cour...

NUTLEY, NJ - US News national list of "2024 Best High Schools" list was published early Tuesday morning - where did Nutley land?

Rankings released by U.S. News and World Report on Tuesday, April 23, put Nutley High School at 160th in the statewide rankings which are based on standardized test scores for the 2021-22 academic year.

Nutley High School students have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement® coursework and exams. The AP® participation rate at Nutley High School is 38%.

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The total minority enrollment in the district is 43%.

11% of students in Nutley are economically disadvantaged.

So what do the standardized test results reveal about Nutley High School students?

“The 2024 Best High Schools rankings offer a starting point for parents to understand a school’s academic performance, whether it’s a prospective school or one that their child is already attending,” LaMont Jones, managing editor of education at U.S. News, said in a news release. “Accessible data on our high schools can empower families.”

U.S. News said the rankings are based on the state assessments for math, reading and science. Measures of college readiness, such as performance on advanced placement and international baccalaureate exams, were also considered in addition to underserved student performance, which measured learning outcomes among Black, Hispanic and low-income students for 10% of the overall ranking, U.S. News said.

Private schools were not considered in the ranking due to limitations on publicly available data; however, charter and magnet schools were because they are publicly funded, U.S. News said.

How did our neighbors in surrounding communities and across Essex County rank?

Glen Ridge 11

Millburn High School 19

Livingston High School 20

Ridgewood 37

Verona 71

Montclair 120

Cedar Grove 138

Nutley 160

Bloomfield 200

Lyndhurst 225

Clifton 315

Belleville 318

Top 20 High Schools in NJ

In the past, whenever rankings of schools were published, locals texted us, emailed us, and took to social media claiming that Nutley was the top district in the state in the past.

TAPinto Nutley loves receipts, so in 2020, before the pandemic, TAPinto Nutley worked with Nutley Public Library's Marie Labadia to find documentation to support that claim. Labadia even assigned some library staff to dig through the archives, including the Nutley Sun, and could not find anything to support the claim. (Marie Labadia passed during the pandemic, and we miss her dearly.)

Nutley's Toranzo returns to site of injury, wins Region 3 heavyweight title

WEST ORANGE — When Brandon Toranzo enters the gym at West Orange High School, the thoughts creep back in. The senior remembers how his season ended 12 months ago."I'm not gonna lie," Toranzo said. "Every time I'm in this gym, it's not a good vibe anymore."Now those vibes are replaced with positive moments, like winning the Region 3 heavyweight title on Saturday, completed with a decision over Bergen Catholic's Benjamin Shue in the final. Toranzo also took home Most Outstanding Wrestler h...

WEST ORANGE — When Brandon Toranzo enters the gym at West Orange High School, the thoughts creep back in. The senior remembers how his season ended 12 months ago.

"I'm not gonna lie," Toranzo said. "Every time I'm in this gym, it's not a good vibe anymore."

Now those vibes are replaced with positive moments, like winning the Region 3 heavyweight title on Saturday, completed with a decision over Bergen Catholic's Benjamin Shue in the final. Toranzo also took home Most Outstanding Wrestler honors from the tournament.

Full results:Region 3 wrestling tournament in West Orange

"It means the world," said Toranzo. "Since I was in eighth grade, I was talking about wanting to win a state title. The goal was always that by my senior year, I could compete for a state title. Now it's a reality."

Last year, Toranzo suffered his first loss of his junior season in the Region 3 semifinals due to medical forfeit and then couldn't continue in wrestlebacks. Toranzo was carried out of the gym that day, one win shy of a berth in the state championships in Atlantic City, and would later discovered he had torn his ACL.

"That was one of the most heartwrenching losses I have ever been a part of," Nutley head coach Mike DiPiano said of Toranzo's injury last year.

Toranzo would undergo surgery and grueling rehab to get back on the mat. Toranzo noted the physical and mental strain on his road back to wrestling for the Raiders.

"It wasn't easy," Toranzo said. "Even in October, I was struggling trying to get back on the mat. I was pushing it and felt like I couldn't. Whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen. I'm gonna give it 100 percent and if I get hurt again, it wasn't meant to be. If you don't give it your all, what's the point in even doing it?"

Toranzo would remain undefeated in the regular season, defend his county and district championships, all to return to the site of his injury at regions. Needing one win to clinch a top four finish, Toranzo entered the round where he got injured last year, the semifinals, and stepped on the exact same mat where he was injured.

"We weren't happy about that," DiPiano said. "Not good memories from last year. But Brandon pushed through. He had to exercise those demons."

Toranzo earned a 13-1 major decision over Bloomfield's Gabriel McCulloch, avoiding a repeat injury, and advancing to the heavyweight final. In the final, Toranzo kept control of Shue, who finished fourth in last year's championships, and slammed him to the ground to erupt the West Orange gym.

"Not everyone gets cheered in large tournaments like these, but he's so well liked by so many in the community and that's a testament to him and who he is as a wrestler and a person," DiPiano said. "Next week in Atlantic City, he's gonna have a thousand more fans of his because of the kind of kid he is."

Toranzo was emotional after the 5-2 decision over Shue, punching his first trip to Atlantic City in his career. Toranzo began his wrestling career backing up Jimmy Mullen at St. Joseph (Mont.) before transferring to Nutley for his junior year.

Toranzo still trains with Mullen, who now wrestles at Virginia Tech, as well as older brother Michael, now wrestling at Rutgers. The younger Toranzo brother's victory Saturday was historic for a Nutley program rich in tradition. Toranzo becomes the first Nutley heavyweight in its six-decade history to win a region championship.

"To be the first anything, the kid deserves everything he gets because he works so hard," DiPiano said. "There's no shortcuts to his success. We had 11 starters this year that are freshmen or sophomores and there's no better role model."

Rumors Swirl About ‘Financial Issues’ In Nutley Schools: Update

"While this preliminary news is concerning, we urge the community to let the factual inquiry unfold to its conclusion," officials said.NUTLEY, NJ — The Nutley Public School District is having some financial issues, officials recently announced – although the exact nature of the problem wasn’t made clear.The Nutley Board of Education and Superintendent Kent Bania released a message ...

"While this preliminary news is concerning, we urge the community to let the factual inquiry unfold to its conclusion," officials said.

NUTLEY, NJ — The Nutley Public School District is having some financial issues, officials recently announced – although the exact nature of the problem wasn’t made clear.

The Nutley Board of Education and Superintendent Kent Bania released a message to the school community about the situation on Tuesday:

“Recently, the Nutley Board of Education learned of factors impacting the finances of the Nutley Public Schools. The district took immediate action and has employed the help of professionals who specialize in this area. In addition, the district is working closely with the county offices of the New Jersey Department of Education to come to a resolution. The Nutley Public District is committed to the education of its students and will continue to manage this matter. The district does not anticipate a change in the programs or the education of the students of Nutley. We thank you for your support and patience as we work through this period. The district and board of education will continue to communicate with you as more information is available.”

The district’s message was followed the next day by a statement from the Nutley Board of Commissioners, who wrote:

“The board of commissioners has received news of the Nutley school district’s financial and accounting issues. We share the concerns of this community about this situation. As always, our priority is to ensure that our students' education is not affected by any administrative issues. The board of education is a wholly separate body of elected officials. We are committed to supporting the board of education members as they continue to look into the root cause of any issues in the school district. We are prepared to assist if needed in whatever capacity that we can.”

“While this preliminary news is concerning, we urge the community to let the factual inquiry unfold to its conclusion while avoiding rumor and speculation in the meantime,” the commissioner board added.

“Thank you for your concern for our community and cooperation as this situation is addressed,” the board said.

Find out what's happening in Belleville-Nutleywith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Send local news tips and correction requests to [email protected]. Learn more about advertising on Patch here. Find out how to post announcements or events to your local Patch site. Don’t forget to visit the Patch Belleville-Nutley Facebook page.

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"Change nothing, nothing changes"

Fellow residents of Nutley, I write to you today not just as Maria Hamlin, a candidate for Nutley Commissioner. I also write to you as a United States Air Force Veteran, Mother, retired Nutley Law Enforcement officer, and a Nutley resident, who truly cares about the future of our community. I bring a new perspective, shaped by many and various experiences and a deep understanding of the importance of embracing diversity in all its forms!We live in a community that is constantly changing and evolving, and yet our board of commissioners...

Fellow residents of Nutley, I write to you today not just as Maria Hamlin, a candidate for Nutley Commissioner. I also write to you as a United States Air Force Veteran, Mother, retired Nutley Law Enforcement officer, and a Nutley resident, who truly cares about the future of our community. I bring a new perspective, shaped by many and various experiences and a deep understanding of the importance of embracing diversity in all its forms!

We live in a community that is constantly changing and evolving, and yet our board of commissioners remains unchanged. It is time for us to embrace a new voice, a new perspective; someone who will bring forth new ideas. We cannot expect progress if we continue to uphold the status quo, and if we continue to only listen to the same voices and the same ideas. As the saying goes, "Change nothing, nothing changes." If we continue on this path, we will repeat the same mistakes and face the same challenges over and over again.

Diversity is not just a buzzword, it is the key to unlocking innovation, creativity, and progress. When we bring together individuals from different backgrounds, with different experiences and viewpoints, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities. We must not fear change but rather welcome it with open minds and open hearts.

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I urge every one of you to look beyond the familiar faces and the comfortable ideas that have dominated our discussions for too long. It is time for us to welcome a new face, a new perspective, and a new way of thinking. It is time for us to come together, united in our goal of creating a brighter and more inclusive future for Nutley.

That is why I humbly ask for your support, for your trust, and for your vote in the upcoming election on May 14th! Together, we can ensure that our board of commissioners truly reflects the rich tapestry of our community. Together, we can make decisions that are informed by a wide range of perspectives and experiences. Together, we can bring about positive change in Nutley. Together, we can shape the future of Nutley and create a community that we can all be proud of.

Please join me on this journey and Together We Can make a difference.

For more information follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website where you can also request a lawn sign to show your support.

Maria Hamlin for Nutley Commissioner 2024



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